View Full Version : Christmas

10-10-08, 23:18
What would you rather have for Christmas money or a gift?

Pooh x

pink daisy
10-10-08, 23:24
A gift x

10-10-08, 23:32
Id go for gift as long as its well thought about and appropriate lol nothin worse than a 70s designed jumper thats two sizes too small haha

11-10-08, 02:59
A gift as long as its not smellies from boots...

11-10-08, 07:07
Well we are pretty strapped for cash this year so I put money because then I would have more to spend on others!
Besides the gifts I get are so darn practical anyway.
The hubby got me a chicken battering set one year.
I got size 13 undies from my mom that I could have used for a boat sail - if I had a boat that is!! haha
A vacuum cleaner.
I've got tons of examples as I've been married 19 years!
He's sweet and he tries so hard but usually misses the mark by a whole lot!!!

11-10-08, 07:28
a gift because more thought goes into a gift

11-10-08, 07:46
I'd rather have my life back tbh.:D

11-10-08, 10:07
i think id rather have money xxxxxxxxxx

11-10-08, 11:26
I'd really like a gift, reason being i'm always given money!! hubby and son's say i'm fussy and they can't buy for me so i'm given money to get what i want but it would be nice just once to have a surprise:blush:

11-10-08, 12:50
:winks: I would make do with Santa Claus:winks: ! and a piece of mistletoe:winks:


11-10-08, 13:11
I chose money:blush:
simply because every one leads such a busy life and no one knows what to buy for me and I don't know what I want.
And then I feel ungrateful ( eg . one minute I am told I have too many ornaments - dust collectors) and then they buy more ornaments:ohmy:
Money is much less hassle all round.
When you get to my age you have got all the linen you need, no more wall space for pictures, no more shelf space. Can't throw 'stuff' away too many memories. etc etc
Sounds more like scrooge:yesyes:

(happy days)
best wishes

11-10-08, 13:22
Bah humbug. I have hated Christmas since the children have grown up.
So for the first time this year I have told them that I am only buying a gift for my grandsons and I am not, as I usually do going to my ex's with my daughter to help cook the xmas meal.

I feel grand that I do not have all the hassle of Christmas ever again.:yesyes:

11-10-08, 13:31
:flowers: :flowers: well done sheena :yesyes: - know how you feel:flowers: :flowers:
Best wishes

pongo's mum
11-10-08, 15:43
The pressure of Christmas is awful, and it must be much worse if your a Mum or Dad. I would just like to enjoy it, it gets on my nerves because of the expectation and pressure. Its a Sunday with more sweets and nuts thats all. Ive had three Christmases alone, with beans on toast, honest, and i'm still here! Now i have a partner who thinks Father Christmas is for real, (oh yes).
And i find myself falling asleep, I'll watch any old rubbish for a quiet life, and a ZZZZzzzzzzzz.

I can recommend goose though, very special, yum,

I love the Christmas specials, like French and Saunders Vicar of Dibley etc etc. Getting a headache, indigestion, oh, and i usually work Christmas too, thats really tiring. I work in a homeless hostel, and its really difficult for some families

its all good
11-10-08, 22:56
A gift, as long as its a pressie that has had a lot of thought put into it. There is nuthin worse than a crappy gift, i normally throw them in the bin lol, ungrateful i know but i spend a lot of time and effort buying people gud pressies. Whats the point in buyin sum1 a random gift that they r neva gunna use. Roll on christmas, yipeeeee!:)

11-10-08, 23:13
Christmas! I'm still paying for last Christmas :weep:.


11-10-08, 23:25
Christmas is cancelled at this moment in time, its too early to think about it, Ive got a big 50th birthday before then and at the moment health is my most important issue, gifts and money are material things.
Sorry if I sound a BAH HUMBUG

12-10-08, 08:53
Well pooh I never thought you cared ;)

Get me a gift please.

Something with 4 wheels and a badge on the back saying something like Audi A6 S-line will be fine my dear.

don't bother wrapping it ;)

12-10-08, 12:57
Hi everyone

I would love a gift. Im dreading this xmas and new year as it will be my first without my mum.

Anna x

12-10-08, 13:24
Neither!! I'd rather spend the day with the people who I love most. How soppy do I sound lol.

Woof woof xxxxx

The Fool
14-10-08, 11:05
hmmmm well i put gift but its ahrd one.it depends if you are being practical or you just want a pressie lol money is good as you then get to buy what you want and you dont get any awful things but a present shows that the person has thought about you and wanted to get you somthing special (unless they get you a boots or whsmiths voucher then they are just lazy) so ill say i prefer gifts lol

14-10-08, 12:53
Depends who it is from. if it is from my mother then the cash please as she is shocking at buying pressies. :D

Some people are brilliant at pressie giving but she's not one of them. But she writes a lovely cheque!

My sister-in-law can give me pressies cos' she's a silversmith and makes me jewellery that is just for me. And anything from my little boys is treasured. My OH always makes me a Xmas stocking up and I love that cos' it is full of silly things and done with lots of love.

14-10-08, 17:15
Lucky to get either.
I wouldn't complain.

14-10-08, 19:30
:huh: The Cynical side of Me Says:
In general, Christmas is nothing short of a celebration of hypocrisy and waste purpetuated by absolute delusion. I'll have nothing to do with it.

:D But My Optimistic Nature Asserts:
I think we already have one of the best gifts anyone could wish for, to be part of a sympathetic, caring and supportive community. My Christmas wishes go to our esteemed hosts, Nic and Alex. :hugs:

15-10-08, 10:39
gary your "optomistic nature"" wins,

i second that wholeheartedly

:yesyes: :yesyes: What a lovely thought gary_2.0:D

Good will to you all for the coming season:D
Best wishes
:hugs: :hugs:

19-10-08, 20:33
It depends how "difficult" the person is to buy a gift for.
A thoughtful (inexpensive) gift means so much more than being given cash.
Being given money just says "I couldn't be bothered to get you a gift"

19-10-08, 21:43
I did this one christmas when I was skint i knicked the idea out of one of those chicken soup foir the soul books. I wrote a letter to all the members of my family telling them what they meant to me how they had influenced my life and how much I love them. it's the one present everyone remebers and only cost me ink paper and time. Now these are the kinda gifts that truely represent christmas for me.

Pooh x

19-10-08, 23:39
I would like money....so I can do something I need......get a decent massage to stop me being all tensed up and having achy muscles.
Boring i know but hey ho