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11-10-08, 06:51
I have been looking for a job for quite some time...and finally I was hired at a place!

The only issue is..that I am terrified of the store I was hired at!

I seriously can not make it more than half an hour without freaking out...and here I might be working 8 hours a day.

Just to let people know..I do intend on keeping this job..I need it for bills...but still. The thought of being there is scary...

On the other hand It will most definatly help my panic disorder because I know that nothign will happen (Besides the attack...) But I mean..I will come home alive at the end of the night.

Another big issue...It seems florescent lights are a big trigger for me...especially when It is nighttime outside...Gah.

So please just wish me luck..I know I will make it/tough it out...but My nerves are going! Haha.

Extra side note...My boyfriend proposed to me =) And I am happy =P

11-10-08, 07:19
aw hope you do ok in your new job! I know it must be very scary for you but don't push yourself too hard.
yay your engaged! Congratulations :yesyes:

Anna C
11-10-08, 07:21
Hi KaylaMarie.

Congratulataions to you and your boyfriend!!:yesyes:

Well done for getting a job. Work is hard when you suffer from anxiety/panic, I struggle sometimes too.
Diaphragmatic Breathing has been mentioned on here before, my counsellor showed me how to do it, when I feel anxious or panicky, or just stressed from work I will go somewhere quiet and do this breathing for a few minutes. It helps me to cope.
The only advise I can give is that it does get easier the more you go, as you will get into a routine. I find work is sometimes a distraction and makes me forget about anxiety for awhile, also it makes me less self absorbed as you get involved in other peoples problems/lives etc.

I wish you lots of luck, and I'm sending you hugs for being brave.:hugs:

Take care Anna xx :hugs:

11-10-08, 08:08
Hi kayla

I'v just gone back to work after around 2 months of being off work. I too was very scared of going back to my work place as that is where my major attacks first took place and there for it was very daunting just going back. I made it through this week, it was very very hard and i was on edge alot of the time but it eased as the week passed. Maybe you could pop in to the store for a bit over the weekend. Maybe say for an hour today and maybe a bit more on sunday.
To be offered a job is a massive acheivement in its self :) you should be very proud of yourself in getting it in the first place. Try not to dwell on it to much over the weekend and think positive in how far you have come.

Alll the best


11-10-08, 09:21

Well done on getting a job thats brilliant .Did you manage the interview ok ?
Ive just gone back 2 work after a while off work and I work in a huge supermarket ..1 of my mian problems is going in 2 shops so going back was very scary but Im still going and coping each day at a time .

What you have 2 think is its not the store that is scary as its just a building but its your thoughts that are scary and your physical symptoms and these can be dealt with .

let us know how it goes and take things easy and dont be hard on yourself at all if you fel anxious as its a big step but its a very positive step hun x

best wishes
Titchjd x

11-10-08, 16:54
Mishel: Thank you for the congrats! I will definately trying to take it easier..and not stres myself out ^.^ Thank you =)

Anna C: Thank you as well for the Congrats! My therepist has also taught me how to do that breething technique...but I still have trouble doing it properly while I am standing up...No problem when I am lying down...but I doubt it would be appropriate to lie down at work =P haha. The quiet area is a good idea though..thanks! ^.^

Kenboon: Congradulations for making it back to work after being gone for so long! I never thought about that before...about just going in this weekend for an hour and then a bit longer the next day...Thanks! I will definately do that.

Titchjd: The interview was ok for me...I went into one of the back offices...which didnt bother me...It was a calm sort of area...if that makes sense? And big windows with natural light...big plus! And it was only 1-15 Min. long soo =P Congradulations to going back to work! That makes sense...I am not "scared of the store" but the feeling and sensations I get there...Hmm That will help to think of. Thank you!

11-10-08, 17:12
well its a double congratulations for u hun...well done on your job keep at it...and congratulations on your engagement all the best...xx:bighug1:

susan c
11-10-08, 22:26
Congratulations to you and your fiance. Keeping fingers crossed with your new job. Just remember you have made the choice to go work there.

Good luck.


11-10-08, 22:54
Hi Kayla:D

CONGRATULATIONS:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: on both fronts

I recently went back to work after a break of 2 years and yes it was scarey to begin with but you will soon settle in really well I know I have:D

Come on girlie you can do it!!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-10-08, 08:08
Well done :D

I agree with everyone else, getting back and staying in work is a good thing for anxiety/depression. If we keep putting it off until we "feel better" then it is unlikely that that day will ever come. I know for myself, that I have never felt any better in over 25 years!

Take each day as it comes, some will be bad some good, but stick with it :D
