View Full Version : All over itchiness

11-10-08, 10:25
I was wondering if any one would know if the following symptoms could be anxiety related. For the last 6 weeks I've have terrible itchiness all over my body, with no dry skin, no rash, and no reason I can think of for it.

I've also had recurrent infections (kidney etc) and one of my lymph nodes in my neck has swollen and gone down and bit and then swollen again. I've had some blood tests but all were negative although the doctor made me repeat liver function and full blood count. He says, "there is no medical reason for my itchiness." So I'm considering it psychosomatic.

I don't feel that stressed or anxious, but several years ago I used to get panic attacks in public, I also have IBS and an allergy to milk. I've never suffered from skin problems in the past and theres no reason for feeling particularly anxious or stressed. But the itchiness is really bad, it stops me sleeping and it wakes me up when I do sleep, i've tried creams and antihistamines but nothing helps. I'm scratching myself raw and I don't know how to stop it.

Is this likely to anxiety related or is there likely to be more going on and the doctor's just being an idiot, (like they tend to). :shrug:

11-10-08, 11:24
I suffer severe anxiety and as soon as i start itching i worry about it, then the more i itch the worse it becomes.

I think personally it's just the mind playing games. If you have seen Dr about it and he said there's nothing wrong, i should try not to worry about it then it may get less and less until you find you are no longer itching.

11-10-08, 11:59
Hi angry

are you male or female, I am sure this is listed on the symptoms page, but it can be an anxiety symptom, I know females can get this sensation as part and parcel of "the women of a certain age thing" I have certainly had this in the past when not suffering from anxiety it feels like ants are crawling over me or the enzymes in the washing powder have gone berserk or something, don't worry my husband has complained of this as well I think that it is one of those things sent to try us.