View Full Version : So anxious about my future

11-10-08, 10:34
I am extremely anxious today and was hoping writing it down might help as it usually does.Have been going through a very tough time as alot of you know,has been such a bad year for me.I start counselling tomorrow which should help me.Having quite a bit of financial trouble and now my mum has threatened to stop helping me out which could mean i will loose my house.I am a single parent with 2 children,i get alot of help from their Dad so can't ask him for anymore.I sold my house in April to move nearer to my shop,this was all before the credit crunch really started to have an effect.I didn't realise but my fixed rate mortgage was coming to an end and then i couldn't get another for love nore money,i pay a huge amount every month.If my mum stops helping i don't know how i will cope.Just had a rotten time splitting up with my ex bf,really was and still is horrendous with the truth coming out all the time,found out yesterday he is already living with someone else.Ive fallen out with two close friends this year too so i am left feeling very unsupported and uncared about.I know i get loads of support on here and thanks to everyone that does i love you all.
Am going to see citizens advice next week hopefully to find what the best way forward is but i feel so very very sick with worry.
Ali xxx:shrug:

11-10-08, 10:38
Hey there Ali

Gawd knows how tough it has been for you. You are doing the right things and taking the appropriate action and I guess that just leaves how you feel hun.
I'm right here if you need me you've got my numbers hun don't sit and do it all on your own if it's too much.

love Lynne xx

11-10-08, 11:16
Hiya hun ..sorry you having such a ruff tym x

i understand how hard it is I am single mom with mortgage and soooo much debt but no 1 can help me ...my friend had 2 lend me some money 2 buy basic food this week .

The CAB is a good place 2 start they can be very helpfull I havent seen them yet but will do in next few weeks x

sending you such a huge hug :bighug1: xxxx

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxx

11-10-08, 12:05
Hi Ali,

Just spoke to you in chat, but just wanted to say you take care and stay strong.


Marina xx

11-10-08, 17:42
Ali I do relate to this, being a single mum with a mortgage and not fit to work at present is making me anxious about my financial future too.

My youngest only has a couple of years left in education and once that finishes and she's 18 my maintaince money will stop, as will any things like child tax credit and family allowance etc and I know damn well that I won't be able to afford to stay here and will have to buy something smaller. I can't say I mind that in essence because a change may be very good for me - it's not the change I have a problem with it's the uncertainty of the finances!!

I'm trying very hard to only face bridges as and when I come to them in my life in general but over finances its not easy to do that is it because we have to do some forward planning of some sort!

Have a hug mate as they are at least free the last time I looked! :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

11-10-08, 18:21
aww hun you are a really strong person just rise above your ex bf you dont need him and definatly deerve better...as for the credit crunch part it will get better hun...and you are certainly loved and cared about on here... i love u and care about u!!you are really helpful toeards me..and im here anytime m8y...xx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

milly jones
11-10-08, 19:25
just hugs ali

cant give anything else just hugs

mill xxxxxx

11-10-08, 22:35
Hi Ali:hugs:

Dont know your personal details but heres an idea:shrug:

Was in a similar boat last year with my mortgage coming to end of fixed rate term......was no way we could stay in our house

So what we did was approach a local estate agent(mann & co) and explain the problem....He put us in touch with a buy to let landlord who bought our house for a shade under the market value but who then rented it back to us for life.......ended up with 4 grand in the bank and a rental of 625 a month!!!

Its lovely.....still our home, we do as we like and we are quids in!!!

And best of all if anything goes wrong he has to sort it out:D

Im no financial advisor so please be careful what you get into as Im sure there are some con merchants out there!!!! However it worked for us

Hope things are on the up very soon:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-10-08, 23:30
Thanks for your replies guys i really appreciate it.Kazzie thats very interesting what you said,i will try and get to speak to cab this week as i can't carry on like this unless the shop gets really busy again but with the way things are with the economy i can't see that happening.
Hugs to you all.
Ali xxx

11-10-08, 23:35
Sending (((hugs))) to you Ali.

I have no words of advice i'm afraid, I wish I did. Am feeling very strange lately, not able to make much sense of things :shrug:, sorry :blush: . But,.. I wanted to write to let you know that I'm thinking of you and am here to offer support if need be.

Take good care.

11-10-08, 23:57

As I recall you are a florist???

My mate is too and her business is down an all:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs: