View Full Version : my son keeps getting sick

11-10-08, 12:18
:weep: my son Talan keeps getting sick first he had a viral infection that made him itch and swell .. now he woke up because he spewed in his bed.. i thought he was better and now its somthing else :weep: im still a new dad so i dont know if this is normal? he gets sick all the time!!! weird viruses ..the last one made him itchy and he got little wounds .. he still itches abit! but i thought he was getting better now he just spewed :weep: im already a stress head! why is he always sick?? :weep:

11-10-08, 13:20

i remember at one point i was thinking that same about my little girl she was always ill with colds or sick bugs ect ,i used to think there was something wrong with her and be at the docs all the time .
he told me it was very good for her to have all these illnesses as it will help her immune system when she is older he also said as she gets older she will nto get as many colds and bugs ,you know what he was right now she is fine she is 7 and is the second year of school and doing fine ,so please try not to worrk i think it is normal ,but if you are worried why not take him to the docs just to be sure .

jodie xxxx

11-10-08, 16:07
Hi there (my little man Ethan was born 11 days before your little man) and he too as had virus after virus. Infact he has currently got a virus and conjunctivitis! The doctor always says VIRUS i think it is a term for 'don't know what it is'. Ethan has also had chest infection after chest infection. My friends all have the same problem with their kids too so i think it's just a common problem faced by all parents.

12-10-08, 08:29
Hi Malv

Sorry to hear you are so worried at the moment. When my son was small he seemed to get one illness after another so I know how it feels! (He's a strapping 17 year old now so it didn't do him much harm!)


Mandy xx

12-10-08, 09:22
sorry your son is sick but he will get better! :) :bighug1:

Granny Primark
12-10-08, 09:45
Sorry your sons unwell.
My daughter is a new mum to a 1 year old daughter and she panics if my grandaughter just gets the sniffles.
Its part of being a parent and you will carry on worrying im afraid.
Im sure your son will be fine, its no use telling you to not worry cus no matter what happens you will.
Have some big :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-10-08, 09:51
try not to worry my youngest gat a real bad virus at 16 weeks old and after that he had virus after virus..i dont think a week went by without me gettin covered in sick, in the end he was referred to a pediatrician who ran some tests which all came back fine but he explained that it is normal for a child to have roughly 10 viral infections a year but this is just average...it might be normal for your child to have 20 a year ..It is worrying but you can bet that when he gets older he will have a real strong immune system....
hope he gets better soon...sharon xx

13-10-08, 04:41
thanks for the hugs and advice:hugs: he's doing alott better now! the hugs really helped i just worry about him so much :winks: i bought him a toy car and we spent all day playing with that.. anyways im still accepting hugs! you can never get snuff hugs!!:roflmao:

14-10-08, 06:14
hiya malv

im sorry to hear about your son im glad to hear hes getting better
heres a hug for both you and him :hugs: :hugs:

The Fool
14-10-08, 11:10
when i was a kid i used to get sick alot mainly when i strarted school and was mixing with other kids it is normal for kids to get ill alot as it builds up ther immune system,i got alot of ear and eye infections to but now all i get is the odd cold im never really ill,im sure hes fine but if you are worried go see a docter.

14-10-08, 12:49
Hi - I think tots go through phases of just being ill. I seem to recall my 3 yr old being ill for about 3 months, eye infections, rashes, colds, sickness etc... It did make me think there must be something seriously wrong with him. But he seems totally fine and far too giddy for his own good !

I give my boy a vitamin tonic when he's low to build his system back up in the hope his immune system won't then get another bug or if he does it will be milder. That might be worth doing.

15-10-08, 03:53
Without being to obsessive over it, what sort of consistency is the vomit? Is he heaving up a lot, ie. all his dinner? or is it mostly clear sputum/phlegm?

When you say "he's always sick.. sick all the time.." exactly how often (and how much) are we talking about? Enough to take him to see the doctor?

How old is he?
Make sure he drinks enough to keep from getting dehydrated. Diarolyte (from chemist) or stale/flat cola/lemonade are good.

milly jones
15-10-08, 12:39
aww hugs hunny

little ones are always picking up bugs and stuff

parenting is one of the hardest 'jobs' ive done, theres no right answers, just follow ur heart

milly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-10-08, 13:24
Hi Malv,

My daughter was exactly the same and as a first time mum I worried myself something silly. She often had colds, coughs, ear infections, conjuncitivitis and the usual "Viral Infections" it mainly started when she started crawling around, and when she started nursery. I was forever at the doctors, and became on 1st name terms with all the receptionists - lol ! I would ring up and say "its me again". As Jodie said though it builds up their little immune systems, she is now a very healthy 5 year old.

Glad your son is feeling better

Take care
