View Full Version : dizzyness

11-10-08, 19:30
H everyone can anyone tell me if bad dreams cause anxiety when i woke up early this morn after a nightmare i went to get up and felt very dizzy like l could not wk stright after that i could not get it out of my head kept trying to walk a stright line in my kitchen to see if i was going dizzy all this at 3am in a morning iv been fine all day

11-10-08, 20:09
dizzyness is common in anxiety, try and sit still for a while it shud pass. r u taking any meds for anxiety?? as thats a common effect of them too im always dizzy hun. try and get up slowly also this helps.dnt worry its common
love chanty.xxx

11-10-08, 22:51
I Suffer from from Anxiety more first thing in a morning and especially if I have had a nightmare as the nightmare usually is about a anxiety I have. I can lie there and feel dizzy like I am on a boat, I feel as if I am going to fall off the bed sometimes.

My advice try not to dwell on it. The more you are scared of the dizzies the more they come. When you convince yourself they are only anxiety they generally leave you alone.

Good Luck


12-10-08, 06:15
thanks for ur responce guys

12-10-08, 06:44
i always feel dizzy and unbalanced its a common part of anxiety/stress from what ive heard:hugs:

12-10-08, 13:37
Dizziness is one of the things that really scares me as well. But I've learned that waking up dizzy in the night or morning is often due to bad neck/shoulder posture while we are asleep. It doesn't take much to upset the delicate balance mechanism in our ears. It's also one of the most common symptoms of anxiety. Do you find yourself sitting with your shoulders up around your ears? That can often cause dizziness as well. I often think I'm completely relaxed when I'm watching TV or something, then get a wave of nausea and dizziness and realise how tense my shoulders had been. Hope you're feeling a bit better by now.