View Full Version : Sudden stabbing pains in the head

11-10-08, 22:10
Hi. I've just had an attack about 3/4 of an hour ago though I'm feeling a lot better now as a result of following advice I've read on here, especially concerning breathing

What set it off was a sudden and fairly brief pain in my ear (now pretty much gone). In the past it's been pains in my eye, but nearly always it seems to be on the right side of my head. It seems to throw me completely.

Has anyone got any advice about what I can do if it happens again? As I said I was able to get on top of it fairly quickly but it was very frightening while it lasted. It's almost like a fear of being shot in the head.

Thanks in advance,

Graham .

11-10-08, 22:45
Hi graham

I get these on the left side Just above my eye or in my forehead and on top of my head but on the left hand side. It triggers a Anx attack which makes me feel dizzy which all makes me think I am about to have a Stroke of Aneurism or something. It happens only sometimes and usually when I am not occupied enough eg when day dreaming at work or watching TV but not when I am busy enough. I find when I believe it is anxiety and only that they leave me alone. Just talking about them has set my heart racing.

Take Care


Cathy V
12-10-08, 00:38
I have heard that this kind of pain can be neuralgia, which is not like pain as in a regualr headache (is there such a thing as a regular headache) its almost like the nerve ends are very tender and the pain can make you wince for a minute or two. Not sure what causes it but it can be very painful while it lasts though its not serious.

Hope this helps a bit xxx

12-10-08, 17:02
Thanks to you both! Yes, I don't expect it's anything too serious but it's worrying when it happens. I'm learning to control my breathing as advised here which definitely helps me recover more quickly.

Graham .

Mint and camomile tea helps too in the aftermath of an attack- very calming :)