View Full Version : Isn't is strange.......

12-10-08, 06:51
As some of you know from my posts on here I have been having a really bad week.

Yesterday I was really bad. About 11am I decided I had to go out as the old feelings of not wanting to leave the house were returning and I am not getting back into that!

We decided to go for a drive for an hour as I didn't want to go to town - felt too rough. When we were out we passed a PC World. I asked my wife to stop as we had been thinking of buying a second laptop. I popped into the store and they were having a huge clearout. Loads of bargains. Too cut a ong story short I ended up spending an hour in the store and bought a laptop and I was fine. Felt Fine, no anxiety etc. Store was really busy as well.

Anyway the point of the story is an hour before I was a complete wreck - if someone had told me I had to go to PC World and buy a computer I would have had a compete fit and refused, yet when I actually just did it I was fine.

When I got back home some of the anx returned - but not as bad

As I said - isn't it strange.........

12-10-08, 09:40
Well done m8y ...bet wife happy with laptop also x

I think most of the time its the anticipation of going somewhere ..we think about it and make our anxiety build up ...yet when we do something spur of the moment we havent got time 2 worry or buildup our anxiety .

Hope you have a good day 2 day

Titchjd xxx

12-10-08, 09:59

My anxiety/panic has returned, shot through the roof,.. and just like you I too am trying my hardest to not let it overtake me again, to the point where I am shut inside the home once again. Just like you I also challenge myself and kind of try and take things as they come, each time/moment in each day.

As you've explained, it is strange that this can happen, I'm just the same, which is why I feel it's best to try and challenge ourselves. My partner usually thinks I put myself in the deep end, (which I can do) like force myself to go Go-Kart racing, sounds very strange, but I hope that the adrenaline takes over into positive rather than negative, if you can understand. Most times it works, though sometimes not at all, but it's a risk I like to take :blush: .

As you mentioned, going into PC World, that was a brilliant achievement, and it just goes to show how different our minds can work. Your mind must have been going into overdrive with all the bargains you saw, (making you feel happy and content) :D . Your mind was extremely busy and it managed to overtake the anxiety altogether lol.

I'm just the same. I'm dreading today though, new day of course but we have to go to a family dinner, and although I feel comfortable with the people, I'm worrying the anxiety may take over. We're taking our Mountain Bikes and going biking in the forest afterwards, I just hope this will overtake those overwhelming feelings.

Take care :flowers:

12-10-08, 10:12
Hey thanks guys :)

I am sure you are right about the anticipation. It makes you worry much more than just doing something.

Shame I can't pop into work on the whim. Probably wouldn't bother me as much..........:)


12-10-08, 10:47
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: A BIG FAT WELL DONE!:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

You are winning the battle!!


12-10-08, 11:57
Thanks PinkPiglet :) :)

12-10-08, 13:13

Well done just goes to show you anything can be achieved if you really want it and the anxiety can't stop you if you are determined.

You are making great progress.


spotty socks
12-10-08, 15:06
Well done! you should be proud of yourself
Spotty socks

12-10-08, 16:38
Awwww Thanks everyone

You're all so nice on here.......:blush:

I have felt sooooooo much better 2day, Its so nice after a week of being so down. Still not perfect but on the up again I hope :yesyes:

Thanks again