View Full Version : Panic attacks

12-10-08, 09:02
Hi, this morning i woke at 4am with the panic attack from hell its now 9am and its still going, my body is tense and tingling, i feel terrified and full of electricity but the worst is my mind is racing at about 100mph with memories, bizarre stuff, songs etc, my anxiety has been higher in the mornings due to coming off meds but how do i deal with attacks like these, i tried breathing exercises etc, nothing works and i am so scared, love Carol x

12-10-08, 09:15
Hiya Carol

Man I hated those early morning attacks.

My own opinion in dealing with them is to try and occupy yourself and let it run it's course.

The thing with high anxiety/panic attacks is, to try and not add to it. Already the attack is happening (which is no more than just a few chemicals whizzing around your body) but your thoughts will enivitably add to the panic and sustain it longer.

The ultimate trick I found to coping (and subsequently reducing PA's from each day to once in a blue moon, fingers crossed;)) was to accept it for what it is.

A panic attack, nothing more, not a heart attack, not a stroke, not going mad etc etc.

Just a wee bit of faulty thinking, a few rogue chemicals and some horrible feelings, that's it, nothing more.

Once you can get in the mindset of "damn another PA, oh well nothing new, let it run it's course while I go about my business" then they become less frequent and intense.

Mind you, if someone had said this to me at my peak of anxiety attacks I would have told them to bugger off there is no way I can think like that, I am too wrapped up in the panic, and that's the thing, being wrapped up in it.

Anyone here who has a panic attack, will think of nothing else but that panic, themselves and add a few negative thoughts in for good measure.

If you haven't got a copy, I would recommend Claire Weekes hope and help for your nerves. It was a lifeline for me, and that book and exercise helped me overcome anxiety (well almost;)) better than any med or therapy.

I hope the panic subsides soon.


12-10-08, 18:10
Yes I hate those morning panics. It holds my day up.

What I hae learnt to do is deep breathe, in and out, slowly and noisely. Eventually the bad breathing will get in to a rythem and bring the panic down.

I hope this helps

12-10-08, 18:11
Yes I hate those morning panics. It holds my day up.

What I hae learnt to do is deep breathe, in and out, slowly and noisely. Eventually the bad breathing will get in to a rythem and bring the panic down.

I hope this helps
