View Full Version : There is a god

12-10-08, 12:40
I have just found this site from the Internet when i put in Chronic Depression.At the moment that is how i feel, i have let myself get into a state and i never ever talk to anyone which impounds things and makes it worse.This site looks good and i shall come on later this evening to look through the forums.But for now i'm sooo glad i've found something that i think can help.Mood feels a bit lifted already.
Bye for now

12-10-08, 13:09
Hi Chris

Welcome to the site, I am so pleased you found us and I hope the site helps you as much as it does me.

Take care


12-10-08, 13:21
hello chris welcome to nmp!:hugs:

12-10-08, 14:11
:welcome: to nmp....this site has helped me alot and im sure it will do the same for you...every one just understands...good luck on your road to recovery...xx:hugs:

12-10-08, 14:44
This site is so helpful. Sorry about your depression. you can get through it though :)

12-10-08, 14:52
hello there and welcome to nmp, depression is awful but u can beat it hun i did 7 yrs ago i had it really bad and suffered a break down, meds helped for a while and then exercise was my savour and it got me off meds and not been near them since.

you will meet lots of new friends here and get some great advice and support. hugs xxxxxxxxxx

12-10-08, 17:39
Welcome to the site. There are a lot of people here to give you advice.


12-10-08, 17:54
Hi Chris

Welcome to NMP.

Glad you found us. :flowers:


14-10-08, 01:43
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
14-10-08, 13:12
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :)

14-10-08, 13:46

I used to suffer with a form of severe depression, luckily I feel the depression part is now over after ending in a complete breakdown and hospitalisation.

I do feel that i've progressed and the depression has definately faded, athough I still can't seem to manage my anxiety/panic levels. I thought, I was through it all (or rather on the tail side of things), but have recently fell into that horrible Anxiety Trap again. There was no 'Trigger' as such, well I guess something must have brought it back (I can't quite figure out what though):shrug: ... strange the way the mind works.

Nice to hear that you felt lifted to have found this Site. Everyone will try and help and support where they can.

Take care and wishing you well. :flowers:

20-10-08, 09:11
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx