View Full Version : lumpy boobs

12-10-08, 12:42
hi everyone,

sorry if post is a bit long and rambled.

4 years ago this coming january i noticed a lump in my boobs, i went to dr she says it felt fine but would send me for a scan etc with breast consultant just to make sure, i went to see him he had a feel and i had a scan and he said it was fine, he said some people have lumpy boobs and it was breast tissue/fibroidoma,which is what my dr said. i have been back numerous times and i have seen my dr and another 2 differetn drs at surgery plus the practice nurse a couple of times and they have all said the same thing again. it doesnt hurt it just gets sore around it when my period is due. i check it now and again and it is always the same, there is another little one at the side of it too,and that does the same thing. i eventually accepted what the drs had told me as i have had it for so long,

i have now started to think about it again, i have started taking the combined pill to help with my hormones and my anxiety as my anxiety always gets worse when i am due on,i started the pill just over 2 weeks ago, my boobs are really sore now and the lump is sore which has now started me poking and prodding it which then in turn makes it more sore, what i am worried about, even though drs have told me its fine and normal breast tissue,lumpy boobs etc, im worried because ive took the pill it will turn this lump into breast cancer???? is it possible for a normal benign lump to just turn into cancer because ive took the pill??

ive been told it wont suddenly turn into breast cancer if it isnt already??

please help me im turning myself into a state again

thank you


12-10-08, 13:16
Hi Jennie, you need to stop worrying yourself. It's perfectly normal to have lumpy boobs & to get sore round the time of your period. I have lumpy boobs but still check them every mth as every woman should to keep herself safe & one time I found a lump that never felt before so I went straight to docs who refered me to the hosp for all tests etc & all came back as fine. You have to believe them when they say nothing is wrong, they know what they are doing. They wouldn't mess about if they thought it was something serious. I know its hard, but they are professionals & feel lumpy boobs all day long! So they know whats right & whats not. You are welcome to PM me if you need to talk. xxxx

12-10-08, 13:25
yes tottaly normal my wife has lumpy boobs!:roflmao:

12-10-08, 19:46
Hi Jennie - as I understand it, it's extremely rare for lumps dianosed as having a benign origin (like fibromas) to turn into anything else. Cancerous lumps usually start out that way. It won't turn into anything else just because you're on the pill.

I know how you feel, breast cancer is one of my worries too. But as the doctor has reassured you, the lump you have is very common and completely benign. :)

12-10-08, 19:51
hi matey stop worrying hun, it wont turn into cancer, my friend has lumpy boobs and been to docs alot.

i always get painful bobs around time of month too.
hugs xxxx

12-10-08, 20:07
hi everyone,

thank you for your replies it has reassured me a lot, thank you
