View Full Version : help????

12-10-08, 14:18
my problem at the moment seems to be with my muscles,, right now i feel as if the muscles in my neck are so tight that i feel my pinky on my right hand and my little toe on my right foot feel akward??? very strange feeling! also if im walking in crowds or if there are lots of people around i feel as if im going to topple over like my legs wont hold me or ive got to force myself to walk and i have this intense fear that im not going to be able to walk like all my muscles are seizing up? any body help me out with this??


12-10-08, 14:47
HEY HUN...i cant say ive ever has this symptom or feeling but i wouldnt worryto much its just anxiety...chin up..xx

12-10-08, 16:40
Hey Lee,

It sounds like anxiety to me mate. I get the shoulder thing and I get painful feet as well.

You got anyone who can give your shoulders a real pounding massage - works a treat for me - hurts like hell but sorts it out.

When my feet are bad tight socks does the job:)