View Full Version : freaking out big time

12-10-08, 14:40
please can anyone help i have not had a panic attack since 27th september then bang today i am panicking like mad it started last night i was just going to sleeep and i had a pain a bit like cramp in the back left of my tongue and today offf and on today i keep getting pains i have been to the out of hours and they said they couldnt see anything wrong but wash mouth round with anti septic mouth wash and go and see my doc the worst thing is i am freaking out about this and cant stop crying and feel unwanted and dont see the point in being here can anyone please help i wouldnt mind so much but when it happens i feel like i am choking on my tongue is this something wrong or panic/anxiety attacks

12-10-08, 14:49
hiya matey, i dont know wot that could be, but im sure panic would make it worse. you been doing so well, try and not focus on it and i bet it will go away.

your mind is in overdrive matey cos u panicking, u are wanted and there is lots of reasons for being here, stay strong tracey cos u doing so good.

12-10-08, 14:54
im sure your tongue will be fine:whistles: people get weird pains in there bodies all the time.. im sorry about you feeling like you are choking over your tongue but that right there is common anxiety.. im sure the pain in your tongue got you worked up and now you feel your choking.. believe it not i have had pains in my body that have sent me into panics :ohmy: .. if you need somone to talk to im here for awhile! sometimes it helps to talk!

12-10-08, 15:15
i am fighting dont worry just really tearful and being silly but not great in myself head doing overtime and i have been really stressed out lately feel like everyone here (at home) usingme and that i am nothing but a cook cleanr and bottle washer and feel really low but i will keep fighting thank you guys for the words of encourage ment they mean alot and donna thank you u r a great mate

12-10-08, 15:19
awww i do know that feeling sometimes hun. sometimes making a stand and making it known u r not happy can give people a kick in the right direction to help abit more etc.

i know sometimes things build with me then i go ape and then people realise ok she needs help and abit of respect woudnt go amiss.

i know its hard sometimes, hugs and im here xxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-10-08, 15:35
i wish they run A mile i asked for help which is very unusual for me and then they all go out and hubby and friend making more beeping mess which i will end up cleaning up but i am not going to yep NOT going to had enough i am being refered back to the mental health team again now as i got help with jonathan now dont like the way they blamed it all on him but i have got him help and respite and looking forward to him having things to do and me being able to have a bit more of a rest which my goodness do i need or what kepping chin up and fighting do you go on facebook hun