View Full Version : so frustrated

12-10-08, 15:10
I am going back to work tomorrow after having a coupla weeks off due to anxiety and I thought I was getting better, but all day it feels like I have got my ears plugged up and i've got hard mashed potato or something in my head and its making me dizzy and it won't go away, no matter what I do aaarrrggghhhh!!!!! I need to be better tomorrow for work, I can't have anymore time off, I feel ashamed and bad enough as it is for hving 2 weeks off :weep:x

12-10-08, 15:31
You are probably not feeling well because you are about to step out of your safe zone. I had the same thing when I went back to work after 6 weeks. I thought I was doing good and was ready to go back. When it came I started getting scared again. I went though and have been back for 4 months and am doing great and so can you. It will be tough at first but it will get easier with everyday that you go. I had small attacks when I went back and since I didnt have anywhere to hide I had to face them and I deal with the public. It will get easier. If you have fought this hard dont let this set you back. I now only have monor ones every few days or so usually when I am tired. You can do this, you are stronger than you think. Take care and go for it.:yesyes:

12-10-08, 16:35
Hey MVP,

It is because you are getting anxious about returning to work. I have just had six months off. I had a good few weeks before I went back and the few days before I went back I was climbing the walls. The gave me valium for a few days just to get me back in!!!

Why do you feel ashamed - everyone gets ill mate - it's no different to any other illness in that respect.

Stop stressing. Have a relaxing evening, get everything ready for work tomorrow have a bath and a warm drink before you go to bed, read a book till you fall asleep to stop you thinking and then when your alarm goes off get straight up, chuck yourself in the shower and go. DON'T think about it just go and you will be fine :yesyes:

Don't spend time stressing about what is wrong with you - you would be suprised how many people are affected by this - you probably know loads and don't even know :)

Have a good day 2moro :)