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thoughts and actions
12-10-08, 17:20
hi guys

Am going try and word this as clearly as i can- i kinda feel silly asking this.

Does any1 else compare themselves to other ppl to try and make them feel better but in a way it feels worse.

Like i have to drive to work and i hate it- but i drive past about 10 bus stops on the way- i dont do it on every1 but ill see some1 standing at bus stop andd be like "oh could be worse, i could be having to get on a bus."

If am in a shopping centre ill see like a mum having to cope with 3 children and 20 bags of shopping (dont honeslty no how u do it!1)

I even do it watching television programmes or with my friends that have to travel a lot as part of their job- in a way i think that makes me worse coz then i imbed a fear in myself about going on a bus, or travelling somewhere and we all know that fear feeds on panic!!

Dont really know why i posted this- just wanna see if any1 else does this or if u have any ideas on how to stop doing it lol

14-10-08, 06:27
Hi Thoughts and actions,:)

I can understand what you mean about comparing yourself to other people.

I think that it may be that it is part of human nature to do this. But then with panic/anxiety it can become stronger - looking in on oneself thinking 'I couldn't do this or that (and thankfully I don't have to)'.

With me I think it is related to low self-esteem & low self-confidence. Then thinking how easy it seems for other people to do things that I feel I can't face. And then as you say thinking about it seems to imbed a fear in you.

I have started trying to think to myself - 'I could do this or that - I have to have faith in myself'. Now I have to start believing it!!!

Best wishes xx :bighug1: