View Full Version : help :(

02-06-05, 22:07
Hi all. Had a few good days last week and early this week, Been doing up my workshop in the garden (Replacing old wood laying a few bricks and cementing) this has been the first time I have done any physical work for about 18 months before this I was always busy and love doing DIY stuff. I was able to work latish like until 9pm each night, felt good that I achieved something but still felt shaky and anxious after I finished each night. Then last night was one of the worst I have had for so long, I got up to go for a wee at 4am and when I got up I nearly fell down and had to really hold onto the wall there and back to stop me falling over was so so dizzy, then this really scared me and started a panic. This morning when I woke I still felt evil so took a Vallium (which I haven’t for months now) done a relaxation tape and went back to sleep. I have felt dizzy in the past when I have got up to use the toilet but nothing like last night I really had a job to stay on my feet, and this has scared me all day and got so pissed off as I thought things where going so well. Has anyone ells experienced this real bad dizziness where they rely couldn’t stand? Thanks all, Vernon

02-06-05, 22:19
Hi Vern, just to say thinking about you and Im real sorry you feel awful, no I havent suffered like that, i know a few people have tho because Ive read their postings, take care, catch you in chat.

02-06-05, 22:42

One explanation could be that you were much more physically tired due to the activity during the day and so when you awoke it was from a deep sleep and you were deeply relaxed and thus had a lower than usual blood pressure which dropped further when you suddenly stood up whiuch would lead to instant profound dizziness .

You know that once a real panic starts it does take 1- 2 days to clear and thats providing you can leave the thoughts behind..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

02-06-05, 22:55
I had the exact same thing last week and it freaked me out at the time. I had woken from a deep sleep when it happened and I was particularly tired at the time too, so I now realise it was that. I can't say much more as Meg has summed up what I would say perfectly.
Take care Vern,


02-06-05, 23:08

Sorry to hear about that.

I too have got up loads in the night to go to the loo and felt really woozy and dizzy but I guess I just wrote it off as one of those things.

Maybe it was blood pressure dropping etc and maybe it was just being over tired but I wanted to reassure you that I have had it too so I am sure it is normal.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

02-06-05, 23:48
Hi Vern

Sorry you have felt so bad, hope you are feeling a bit better tonight.

Thinking of you hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

03-06-05, 10:08
Hi vern,
sorry to hear about your atatck mate, could i ask if you turned any of the lights on when you went to the bathroom. if not like i do i go to loo in dark and it does make you feel alot more alert so you dont trip over everything. i think you must have had a combination of a lot of hard work in a short space of time , and like the posts before waking up from a deep sleep and standing up from a lying position will make yuo feel dizzy anyway. your panic attack would then set you back a couple of days. if you need to get up in night try waking up a little more before standing up. sit up and take a few deep breaths then siton side of bed and take a couple more . then stand up slowly turn lights on and see how much better that feels. and most of all take it easy on the DIY mate. if you get everything done in one day the wife may run out of things to whinge about if you go doing it all hahaha.

hope you ok mate take it easy

Flinty !!

03-06-05, 10:17
Hi Vern

Sorry to hear you haven't been too well...

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Has anyone ells experienced this real bad dizziness where they rely couldn’t stand?</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yes ... a few times, once I woke up suddenly feeling I couldn't catch my breath, and felt really hot...felt sick and also very dizzy....trying to reach the bathroom and ended up on the floor on my knees, fighting to stay conscious....I didnt collapse but I believe it was really near. That was in Portugal 1999.
I don't even know why it happened in the first place.

Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

03-06-05, 10:56
Hi Vern

I feel like that most of the time. I toppled over in the shower last week.


Your right the dizziness brings on the panic attack


03-06-05, 14:15
Hi Vernon,
Sorry you are feeling bad mate, you have done so well, i know exactly how you are feeling, had the same on and off recently, posted about it i think, don't have any advice, but you are definately not alone in feeling this way, i now sometimes get scared to go to bed, just in case i have to get up for the toilet and i feel dizzy, i also sometimes feel dizzy before i have even opened my eyes, sorry to have go on vern, but please mate, take it slowly, and keep in touch.

03-06-05, 15:30
hi Vern,

The dizziness could be because of all the work you have been doing. I get really dizzy sometimes, too. Hope you feel better soon!!

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-06-05, 18:28
Hi Vernon,

Sorry you had such a bad spell. I always had problems with my ears as a kid so got used to pretty heft bouts of dizziness. Recently though, if I wake up in the morning feeling anxious and trembly, I'll be quite dizzy when initially sitting up but it only lasts for a short time. Something else I've noticed is that if I drop off in the day, I seem to suddenly wake with a racing heart and then I'm really dizzy. I used to put it down to the ears thing but after reading peoples posts on here and now yours I'm beginning to realise it could be related.

Hope you feel a bit better now!


04-06-05, 01:23
Sorry to hear you've not been feeling yourself.

I had an extreme bout of dizziness - turns out I had congestion in my ears, which was causing the problems.

It could well be that you just over did it a wee bit.
You did the right thing by trying to relax.

I hope you feel better soon

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

04-06-05, 12:21
Hi Vern,

Dizziness comes in patches for me - I had it badly for a few months last summer and like some of the other posters kept feeling like I was being pulled to one side. I've got it again at the moment and have had for the last week.

I think I have a very delicate ear to eye balance thing going on. I suffer from car/motion sickness and always have done and if I get the slightest cold or probs with my sinuses then I can feel dizzy. I've also noticed if I spend to long on the computer scrolling up and down which plays havoc with my eyes I can get it too. Last year I had my opticion check me out, alhough all was fine I do think a bit of eye strain doesnt help.

Also could you have a bit of neck strain as the muscles in the neck if tense can affect things. I find if I relax my tongue down and drop my jaw this takes some tension out of the area and give a massage to the nape of the neck.

Love Piglet

05-06-05, 22:12
Hi. Hope your feeling better!

Yes I have had lightheadedness for the past week.. all the sudden I get lightheaded and I dont know why. I even wake up from sleeping lightheaded.
and my doctor wont do nothing. The only thing that relaxes me is taking a xanax.

If you got any help for me too please do so.

05-06-05, 22:19

You could try some relaxation exercises and some abdominal breathing - that will help with the light-headed feeling.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

06-06-05, 08:26
Hi Vern,

Well done for all of the DIY your managing to do. I'm really proud of you.

This dizziness? Forget it mate, its a physical thing that will go as quick as it came. Your panic is understandable but not logical as you can't die from being dizzy, unless you fall into a vat of custard! :D

Don't be pissed off mate, your still doing great. Just watch out for the custard! [:o)]

"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

06-06-05, 13:09
Hi Verny,

Well done on the DIY sorry you are feeling so bad with the dizziness. I stil get this from time to time especially when I have over excerted myself. I do hope you are feeling better now.

Take care,


06-06-05, 15:08
hey vern,
hope you're feeling better now. i can't even run to the bus stop without coming over a bit dizzy, so i think it's great that you are doing your DIY stuff. it's annoying that you felt dizzy but at least you're no stranger to it, you know it can't hurt you. try not to let it piss you off. you are doing really well. i can't go for more than about 10 days without having to reach for the valium!
take care,
henri x

06-06-05, 23:53

How are you babe?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.