View Full Version : My Best `Tonic`

Purple Fish
12-10-08, 17:34
Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to share this with you. My anxiety has been lifted since this weekend and I feel great! I`m still taking Prozac and although it does help it doesn`t eliminate all the symptoms.
I went to see Queen & Paul Rodgers in Nottingham on Friday, was right at the front and had one of the best times of my life! It was such a tonic and I`ve felt on a high ever since! I just hope the feeling never ends! I even contemplated stopping my Prozac but I know that would be a bit irrational!
There is hope for everyone and the people I`ve chatted to in the chat room are brilliant!
Thank you guys!!

PF xx

12-10-08, 19:31
wow good for you! Thats amazing! Hang onto that feeling always and remember it.... you are in charge and you are strong, weve all just got to find our little ways to beat Mr Anx and I know its going to be worth the fight!

Bring on Victory! xxx

Congratulations, stay happy and positive, I belive in you.

Purple Fish
13-10-08, 12:10

Thanks for the reply! I just thought it would be nice to hear something positive for a change. Of course I worry that my anxiety will creep up on me again and if I knew how to prevent I would! Fingers crossed!!

PF xx