View Full Version : 100 miles per hour

12-10-08, 19:50
Hi it's been quite a while since i've been here; but it's back. right now i feel so uptight and what i cant seem to cope or deal with this feeling inside that i have to do everything at 100 mph; even the slightest chore like making a cup of tea or even brushing my teeth i have this constant urge inside me to rush things it's really unbearable and when i am at work it gets even worse if this is poss, logical or rational thinking is not on the radar and i feel so stressed by it all. is this another facet of how anxiety can present? does anyone know

12-10-08, 20:56
Hi Dave

I can only speak from personal experience but I would say that it is directly connected to your anxiety.
I tend to do the same thing, I have to rush to get things done as even though simplest things seem to be a big deal, I have this little voice in my head telling me that if I get things done and out of the way I can relax for a while..it never happens that way though!
I can relate to the teeth brushing/cuppa making scenario..I always think that something else is going to happen that needs my immediate attention so I gotta be quick. :winks:
I can't advise on how to get rid of it but be reassured that you're not alone. :)

Hereford Al
13-10-08, 15:19
I always find that I am walking like I am a man posessed, but with a near-blank expression on my face. Probably because my mind is so busy chatting to itself at great speed that my body feels the need to move at the same sort of tempo to stop it from being left behind!