View Full Version : Very dizzy

02-06-05, 22:31
Today ive been feeling extra dizzy.I normaly can handlle it but today its been out of hand..All day ive been finding myself latching onto things to keep my balance..Its actualy causing alot of anxiety/short panic attacks.I feel like someone has spun me around and placed me on the peak of a mountain..I always feel dizzy but today has sucked..Ive always blamed it on my ativan but ive cut back ,so i dont believe thats the case.My legs also feel very weak along with some nausea.If anyone has any idea what this may be or if they have had this happen to them please contact me asap ..thanks

02-06-05, 23:00
Hi Justin,
Sorry to hear you're having such a bad day. When my anxiety was at it's worst the year before last, I had periods of feeling very dizzy. The panic attacks can cause dizzyness in themselves too so it's a vicious circle I found. I would get so dizzy I'd feel faint at times but in time it passed. The only other thing I've had that's made me dizzy is when something like a cold affects my ears. I hope this reassures you but I guess meg or someone more medically minded than me can answer you better.
Take care,

03-06-05, 09:24
Sorry to hear you had a bad time. I have periods of this too. The way I get over it is to make myself stand for as long as I can without holding onto anything. That way I prove to myself that although I feel dizzy I'm not actually going to fall over or faint. Its hard to do but just do it for very short periods at a time and it gets easier.

If you are worried that this will result in you fainting then don't. I had this fear but was told that a panic attack works in the complete opposite way to fainting (fainting - blood leaves your head: Painc - blood rushes to your head) so the likelyhood of this happening is slim to none.
Hope this helps.

03-06-05, 09:53
Hi Justin

Sorry to hear you feel bad...

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">All day ive been finding myself latching onto things to keep my balance..</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Yes, I can relate to that, I've seen myself doing this a few times, not nice at all.
Are there special places where you feel it more, like shops, or simply outside?
Have you talked to your doctor about the dizziness?
Let us know.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

03-06-05, 11:06
Hi justin, sorry you feel bad today, i do not suffer dizziness but just to let you know Im thinking of you and hope you get lots replies Alexis

03-06-05, 13:17
Hope you're feeling a little better Justin!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-06-05, 14:40
Dizziness is a fundemental symptom of anxiety that most of us have had for weeks or months on end at some stage.

Spaciness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2696)
Light Headed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2951)
dizzyness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3062)
Jules31 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=310)
Light Headed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2951)

Nice one Alton ..I used to do the Yoga posture - the mountain pose which is essentially just standing up still and tall and proving after a few minutes that I wasn't actually about to keel over - its was just a sensation.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-06-05, 20:44
Hi Justin, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling bad. I was about to post a very similar topic but then saw yours. I have been feeling dizzy for the last couple of days. This has made my anxiety worse and so have then felt even dizzier! Nightmare!! Hope you feel better soon, KT x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

04-06-05, 12:28
Hi Justin,
Just thought id reply as you sound exactly like me! I have this feeling every day-some worse than others and im always grabbing onto things to keep my balance too. I know that if i walk through it and dont let it stop me i usually start to feel better but doing this is a lot harder than it sounds so i know how you are feeling! I hope you are OK.

Em xx

10-07-10, 22:09
hi, i'm new on here,
i've been having panic attacks for about 20 years,and they are getting worse now,
i'm light headed nearly all the time, and some times i'm so dizzy i can't stand up, so that is not good for my work, so now i'mworried all the time i'm going to get a bad dizzy head.
really don't know what to do about my panic attacks, and go out with friends anymore, all i do is go to work and walk my dogs,
can't go out anywhere else.
please can someone help. thank you.

10-07-10, 22:44
I have had the panic attacks for over 20 years as well.

It is this dizziness that has my life in bits.

People keep saying to me you will be aright just go out but it is the dizziness that always stops me.
How can I go out if I have the dizziness in the house and have to hold on to things sometimes to scared to get up.

If the dizziness left me my life would be so different I know it would.

No one has really understood me and this dizziness thing in the 20 years I have had it its been such a relief to come on here and find I am not alone with this.
Saying that I would never wish this dizziness on any one its been a horrible thing I have had to struggle with for so long

Kerry B
10-07-10, 22:58
Hi Leah
I no exactely how you are feeling I suffer with Panic Attacks, and have been feeling dizzy now constantly for a month and its so scarey I think I have something wrong with me been checked by 4 doctors who says its Anxiety but I wished I knew how to stop it. pm me if you want to talk x

11-07-10, 10:01
just had a really bad panic,
i worrie all the time about not being able to go to work, cause they don't understand there, they just think i'm going mad, and so do i. i can't cope much more with this.
just don't know what to do.
feel like i'm falling apart. is anyone there to talk to?

11-07-10, 14:26
So sorry Leah.
Do you live with anyone or alone.
I do not feel great myself today but keep saying have felt like this on and off for over 20 years and nothing has happened to me and I am still here.
There are many on this forum that have felt and are still feeling as you do right now.
You are not going mad love but I do know how bad this can feel.

Wish there was some way I could help you I am always here to talk if you want to.
I will say a prayer for you x

11-07-10, 16:52
thank you
i live with my mum and dad at 33 how bad is that, but i can't leave cause of my panic's, and that is what broke me and my boyfriend of 10 years up, cause i can't move out, or even go out anymore.
this is hell, and no one understands, only my mum and dad, don't know how i'm going to cope with work for much longer, and then what do i do, can't live if i'm not earning money.

19-07-10, 08:53
I've had dizziness on and off for about two weeks now (started on my vacation to Florida). It's often accompanied by headaches (dull with pressure across my forehead and/or the back of my head at the top of my neck). My doctor seems to think it's from the tightness in my neck but I've done I think a million exercises to relieve the tension with no success.

Just really frustrating. I've been taking .5 mg of Ativan every 6 hours as needed and it seems like at this point it's not working as well as it did (I'm assuming because my body is adjusting to it).

Kind of at wits end :weep: