View Full Version : Doc App

12-10-08, 22:03
:weep: I have doc appoint first thing and i really dont know what to say!!! :o(

Been going on and off for 3 months now and NOTHING is gettig properly sorted!

12-10-08, 22:39
have you asked about cbt? cognitive behaviour therapy? Ive been reading about it and it sounds good, helping anxiety with re-working the way your brain reacts to things - look it up online.... Im going to ask next time I go to docs x g luck

12-10-08, 23:15
I was like that in the beginning but I was just getting worse. I told my doctor that I would like to see a psychatrist and an appointment was sorted out. I have found out with the NHS you have to ask otherwise they don't bother as it all costs them money.

The psychiatrist then eventually got me a social worker. He had a support worker with him who use to come to see me every week. I eventually saw a psychologist and did a course of CBT with her. It all took time as the NHs moves at a snails pace and also I had to be ready for the treatment.

Don't feel despondent you have to speak up and ask for further help. Doctors don't really get much training in mental health and all too ofter then just dish out the prescription and sent you on your way.

Let us know how you get on. You could also try writting down exactly how you feel and give it him to read.

Best wishes


13-10-08, 00:41
I had this problem too. Sometimes the dr just talked to me which was particularly frustrating.

Because my health anxiety is mostly heart related I did eventually ask to see a cardiologist and I went to that appointment and had a few tests done. Now I feel a bit better about that and am now 95% sure (this varies!) my heart is all good. I haven't been back to the normal dr since then (about a month) because I know there isn't really much else they can do for me. The last appt when I got the referral he suggested I could also see a gastrologist but I'm pretty sure that particular pain will go when the anxiety does. I'm pretty sure the almost constant headache I have is the same.

I did find it quite helpful to write down what the issues were and just give them that to read rather than try and explain it (and possibly cry :blush: )

Casey xx

13-10-08, 01:41
id just say look man im freaking out!!:wacko: i need a lil somthin somthin to ease my mind :roflmao: