View Full Version : hiyaa im new!

12-10-08, 22:06
hiyaa, im 18 and i've been suffering terribly from panic attacks and anxiety since i was very small. they used to come on when i was very excited about something and id have them for a while, then they'd go. id been having them for years but then when i turnt 13 my parents then split up and i became very depressed for many reasons which made anxiety and panic attacks even worse! i've only overcame depression recently and for the past 6 months i've been fine and very happy with no panic attacks and barely any anxiety at all, until now. im having panic attacks everyday and night again and its really distressing me and affecting my lifestyle! i just need people to talk to who are going through the same thing because nobody does understand how frightening it is unless they go through it themselves! hope to meet lots of people on here, thats a little bit about me!

12-10-08, 22:09
Hi erial

Welcome to NMP

You are not on your own sweety!


12-10-08, 23:48
We are all her to help you, you are not alone.:bighug1:


12-10-08, 23:48
Hi Erialb1,
Been there got the teeshirt! Pm me if you want, but am here like I hope that you are for me. Take care. XX:D I'm fairly new too.

14-10-08, 01:42
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
14-10-08, 13:14
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :)