View Full Version : big surprise i got in the post

13-10-08, 00:54
hi all,

Well about a month ago if that I applied for sky ( one of my dogs ) to enter a comp at discover dogs which will be held on November the 8th 2008 at earls court in London.

Well yesterday I received a letter back to confirm that sky has made the finals,
She has beaten hundreds of other companion dogs already to get this far, so fingers crossed that she does better on the day as it is her first big big comp. It’s sort of like a mini crufts.

Well just wanted to share the news as well am nervous now don’t think it has sunk in yet really as I will have to show her in front of hundreds of ppl and famous ppl too and also maybe TV cameras.

Well enough of me rambling on now lol

I will let you all know how she does on the day but no matter what happens she is a star in my eyes

Susie will also be with me on sky’s big day

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


take care all


13-10-08, 00:56
Congratulations that's great news, you must be very proud.

Lots of luck, and hope sky does well.

13-10-08, 05:33
Oh Lea -
How great is that???!!!!
Hope she does super!
Let us know :)

13-10-08, 13:19
GREAT NEWS:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

GOOD LUCK LEA, SUSIE AND SKY:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

13-10-08, 13:23
Aww what lovely news !!:yesyes:

will keep my fingers crossed for you all !:yesyes:

:hugs: :hugs:

13-10-08, 13:30
Wow that is fantastic you must be really proud of yourself and your dog.



13-10-08, 13:45
awww welldone to u and your dog and i hope your dog performs great on the day.

13-10-08, 13:56
Hiya Lea,

How's it going ? As you can see, I'm back. Lol

I've been wondering where you've been.

You sound well :). Excellent news about Sky, you must be so proud, that's so cool. Well done.

Love to you all x

13-10-08, 15:03
Thats great news:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

13-10-08, 20:10
Awwh wow
That's great news!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:
Hope she does well, sending you both loads of luck :D
Take care

13-10-08, 20:27
well done, greast news.xx

07-11-08, 02:47
thanks for all your good luck wishes - well tomoz is the day and am as nervous as hell sorry sorry,
trying to keep ma head clear from the what ifs but its so so hard,

how am i going to get through it with out panic creeping upon me gosh maybe if i just hide then i wont have to face it sorry sorry

what if i have a panic attack in the ring with hundereds of ppl looking at me. dreading ppl bumping in to me bc of my touch phobia.
i also bn told that we are going to meet one of susie's m8s there too so thats making ma head go mental too

sorry sorry

well i will let you all know how it went soon

tc all and thanks again



07-11-08, 03:32
wonderfull lea i am well happy for you

09-11-08, 01:55
thanks col.

well today was the big day - we set of around 7am to get to london.
sky was really good on the train esp been her first time on a train even in the station, she was really good on the underground too - but me well i h8ed it. i tried to stay focused of sky and susie all the time so that i didnt panic to much. we arrived at earls court - where the show was been held. we didnt have a long wait as we were showing so had to que in a kinda vip que.
sky was made a fuss off all the time, so we had to wait around for our turn to take our spot in the ring, but while we were waiting we were asked to be in the filming for sky tv. then i had to go in to the ring while susie waited for us to finish

so when we went in there was 20 dogs including us, that had been picked out of around 200 dogs. so while we were doing our thing tv cams and photographers where working away but while i waited to speak to the judge, i could feel my self starting to panic, so i must have looked stupid but i closed ma eyes for a few secs took a deep breath and carried on.
so the judge decided to narrow it down to 10 out of 20 then from 10 to 5 we were placed in to the final 5 and we came 2nd overall
so i am proud of sky so - well done sky keep up the brill work and sleepwell lol

and thanks to everyone for their kind words of support


09-11-08, 02:20
WOW you have had a busy busy day!!! You are obviously a lot more capable then you give yourself credit for, Sky must mean a great deal to you for you to even contemplate such a hectic schedule, Put up a picture of Sky at the event if you can.

09-11-08, 03:10
i will as soon as i upload them n work out how too lol

ty for you kind reply - i had to do it for sky

09-11-08, 10:25
hi leo and weldone u and sky too, 2nd place is so good and u must b so proud of sky and of yourself for doing all wot you did and keeping it all together.

look forward to seeing the pics. hugs xxxxxxxxxx

09-11-08, 11:35
:yahoo: Hi Leo

Weldone. What kind of dog is she? I'm dog mad, I have 3. I'm hoping to go to see Crufts in March for the first time and I'm just hoping the anxiety doesn't stop me.

Well done again

09-11-08, 11:46
:yesyes: welldone lea you must be really proud of sky. you should be really proud of yourself for coping welldone lea.

09-11-08, 14:54
Wow Lea, how good is that!! 2nd place is brilliant!!!
Well done to Sky (woof woof), you clever girl you xx

Maybe this can be yours & Skys new hobby, it might do you the world of good having something good to focus on xx

09-11-08, 15:15
hey Lea hun, how did sky do? bet she and you were amazing hun, win lose or draw ur a winner hun!!

not spoke to u in while, my head been firmly stuck up my ass, catch up with u on msn soon yeah?? oh and marcy says hi!!
well done u being so brave and doing the show, be proud of u xxxx

09-11-08, 19:19
WELL DONE Lea and Sky !!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
I myself have entered my dog in a local newspaper competion the results should be next week! Keeping my fingers crossed. I can imagine how thrilled you must be hun !


09-11-08, 22:17
Well done Lea and Sky :yesyes: I bet you are thrilled Lea and such an achievement.

Good luck Andrea too!

Karen xx

10-11-08, 01:25
thanks for all your replies made me smile and still cant believe it happened lol
and i do show sky alot and we are looking to get in to agility so that we can try for crufts.

good luck andrea but no matter what the result you can always try again eh

sky is a shetland sheepdog - blue merle but is also known as a bi blue merle as she dont have the tan colour typical lol

and i too will be attending crufts hopefully if i can enter sky i will do so hey maybe i will be there lol

thanks again
tc all

10-11-08, 01:27
hey mo - i know we aint spoken in ages i keep trying to catch ya but ya know lol how is you and ya son? and say hi to marcy lol

i am online now but dont know how long lol but txt me or something eh

tc hun hugs for ya n susie says hi

oh n sky came second out of 200 lol guess ya never saw ma update here lol

hugs tc
speak soon
lea xx

10-11-08, 07:50
aw well done! i hate trains too! xxxxxxx

11-11-08, 02:14
ty mishel for ya reply i dont just h8 trains i dont like travelling altogether lol xx xx xx hope that you are ok n well hugs n tc

lea xx

11-11-08, 09:14
Well Done Sky and well done you Lea for training her etc, and on the train journey, hope its first of many wins for you all

Emma xxx

12-11-08, 00:20
emma, ty for you reply and words of encouragement

i hope it is first of many too, i do do fun dog shows with her but hope to move on to bigger things lol

hugs for ya