View Full Version : Forgetting words & Names

13-10-08, 00:57

I have found recently that I forget words usually names of things for instance today we bought a pumpkin and I find myself checking my memory constantly and I could not remember what it was eg a pumpkin. I find myself calling things thingies etc. I usually use my wife to help me when having conversations with friends. I am really scared that I might be loosing my memory. The doc says it is just anxiety that causes you to think so much about yourself that you cant remember things you did yesterday or words in a sentence or names of people but I am not sure. I always remember appointments it just seems to effect the non important things.

Anyone else get this symptom under 40?


13-10-08, 01:34
hey there

well let me say my Anxiety is BAD im only 23.. for awhile i thought i was losing my mind i was having problems remembering anything!! including a pass word i use everyday to log on my computer.. i still forget heaps.. my wife makes fun of me because its noticeable :wacko: also alott of the time im in the middle of doing somthing and i tottaly forget what im doing... that happens to me all the time! more then it happens to most people :weep: Anxiety has made me feel like im forgetting things as it does you. but it really is just being stressed and not being able to think properly.. its very common and im sure others will tell you the same :hugs:

13-10-08, 01:35
Hi there Mee, as your doc says, anxiety can kind of distract your attention so much that you forget stuff. I haven't had this particularly with anxiety, but while depressed a couple of years I could barely remember my own name some days, and couldn't finish one paragraph of a book in a month let alone a whole novel. It was like I was just walking with my brain wrapped in a thick dark blanket and I couldn't think about or concentrate on anything except my troubles.

Try not to worry about it or focus on it too much as this will only exacerbate this symptom and make you feel self-concious about it. Focus on sorting out the anxiety and you should find that your mind relaxes enough to remember stuff. :)

13-10-08, 04:44
Hi me

I started forgetting things in my 30's. Now I'm in my 50's, well what can I say! It's not only anxiety but also age. I'm hoping that one day I will forget I have anxiety & pa's & start going out again:):D

Try not to worry, it's pretty normal.


13-10-08, 09:11
Again, please look up my posts over the last year by clicking on my name, you will see i had the same problem and the more you check the worse it gets.

I went back onto my meds, then I was able to see it was all anxiety.

Your fine

13-10-08, 09:26
Hi Meehaw

I am 41 but for years I have been terrible at remembering names for years. I can even read a book (get me ;)) and have to go back 3 or 4 pages to see who I am reading about.

It sounds just like anxiety to me mate.

O and forgot where I put the car keys? I tell you, I can rip the house apart looking for stuff I just put down.



13-10-08, 10:18
OMG !!

I do this all the time, it's embarrassing. People laugh at me and my bf thinks me crazy, but in a nice way. He always says,.. 'What will I do without you hey' lol.:blush:

I say things like "Could you shut the doors please", when I'm referring to the windows.

Or when talking to my kids "Can you please put the milk back in the washing machine".

Sometimes my minds so occupied I've even travelled on a train and got off at a certain stop, and I've no idea why I got off at that stop, because that wasn't even the place I was going to.:shrug:

Weird,.. or is that worrying ?:unsure: hmmmm :blush:

13-10-08, 12:20
I know what you mean. I forgot the word dressing gown and in the end I ended up pointed at it and saying to my daughter what is it called.

I also put some petrol in the car and completely forgot my pin number that I had been using for 15 years. I now have it in my mobile as it still happens on occasions.

I still, sometimes forget what an object is called and point to it and say to people -- whatever that is called.

My daughter and I make a joke that I am having an alchziemers moment.
I must admit it did worry me at first and I started to goggle dementia but now I just think it is part of the ageing process. Seems like there are a few of us like you.


13-10-08, 20:21
Thanx eyeryone

I am only 40 so hoping its not age just yet. I feel when I have to think about something I feel as if i may forget my conversation or people are analysing what i am saying or if i am losing my head and it makes me feel self conscious (SA) and then pop the word just goes and i daze in to the big blue sky.


13-10-08, 22:53
This is all anxiety related.

Usually this doenst happen, but on days where im really stressed to the point where i can function this happens.

One day i felt really angsty. SO bad i couldn't even talk to anyone, it was so bad. And my mum asked me where something was in the bathroom and i thought i sad garbage but i said sink-and she was like sinK? And the whole time i thought i said garbage-but i didn't and then she asked me where the blow dryer was and i was like -whats that? When she asked me what was wrong with me, i just started crying-i was so worried why i couldnt remember what a blow dryer was and why i was mixing up words. I thout i was loosing it!

Now i realize though, its the anxiety and me being so stressed.