View Full Version : New guy Here

13-10-08, 00:57
Hello, firstly i've got to say i'm very happy i stumbled upon this site because i've been looking for an internet forum for anxiety and/or depression for a while now....

I am 19 years old and I have been suffering from anxiety and depression now for about 6 months, not very long at all in comparison to most people on this forum, to which i truly respect and admire. But anyway, my anxiety came about because of a strange drug trip, in which i had a massive panic attack as i had never been so scared and out of control in all my life. The worst part of it was that i had to ride through it and it lasted for a few hours. The next day and for about a week or so straight after i felt weird but it was fine i didnt think much of it. But as the weeks went on i started getting very paranoid and frightened that i might have given myself permanent brain damage or something and i just kept fearing that it might happen again and if it does then i would feel just as out of control as i did. Although deep down i know its impossible unless i take the drug again, but there is still that odd thought that makes me worry.

Prior to this incident i was a pretty happy-go-lucky guy, pretty straight forward and had a lot going for me. Although i did have a major fear of flying but thats another story i suppose.... Anyway yeah, after this experience it pretty much changed my life and the way i thought, it stoppes me now doing the things i want, i can barely drive without panicking, i find it hard to practise with my bands and fulfill my (what was once) an intense musical schedule. And i absolutely HATE being alone, as i start panicking that something might happen to me and i will go crazy etc etc. I recently left university as i could not stand to be away from home, and came back to do a course for next year at a local university....

So basically due to the anxiety i have it has changed my life and made me change what i want to do and where i'm heading, which makes me question overall whether i am actually in control of my life at all.....

But anyway, if anyone wants to get in contact by sending me a private message to talk or whatever and discuss each others issues, or even just for general banter then i would really appreciate that as it would make me feel well, not very alone haha :yesyes:.

So yeah has this sort of experience or traumatic life event happened to anyone else? I would love to hear your stories.....

Many thanks

13-10-08, 01:23
hello there! welcome to nmp! there is heaps of advice for you here. im sure it will help you as much as its helping me :roflmao: :hugs:

Veronica H
13-10-08, 08:46
:welcome: Si, you will find the support you need here. Glad you have found us.:bighug1:

13-10-08, 12:29
Hi Sibarker

Please don't worry that you will get brain damage. I tripped on LSD when I was younger. I only stopped when I had a really bad trip and like you say you just to have to go with it. Nasty.

Stick around, don't dispair, you have come to a good place and will get lots of support.


13-10-08, 12:45

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

13-10-08, 23:08
Hi Si, just stumbled across this message through your profile.
You sound pretty similar to me!! I guess through my life I've always been a little on the depressed side, but it was never to any mad extent, through my teens I self harmed a little but that was about as bad as things got.

Then, whilst at university I got into drugs, hard drugs, cocaine, ecstacy, mushrooms, even crack. Then there was one day, which I can pretty much attribute this all to, where I had been taking mushrooms for pretty much the whole afternoon. In the evening we went to a club, and I had an ecstacy tablet as well, and I found myself experiencing a really crazy trip. My mind just went into some space I could never understand, I was considering all sorts of things I had never considered before, and it was really really scarey.

From there I went on a massive downward spiral. I had been living in London, previously I had been at university but had lost interest in it and left, but after that experience, and the onset of anxiety and depression I felt I had to leave and come back home. Since then I've been working in a job I really dislike, initially I was on citalopram, but came off it in April, and am now trying to battle my way out of this state, I plan to go back to university next september to finish my course, and am going all out at the moment to get a handle on this anxiety and depression once and for all. I'm 24 now, and feel that I need to get a grip on this so I can move on.

So yeah, just so you know I know EXACTLY what you're going through mate. It's a horrible position to be in, especially since you kinda know you brought it on yourself, but on the other hand I strongly believe that once I pull through this I will be a better person for it, probably better than I would have been had I never dealt with this at all.

And just, if you ever want to have a chat, drop me a message.

14-10-08, 01:28
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
14-10-08, 13:26
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :)

15-10-08, 09:11
Hi :) welcome to nmp! Im new here too but it seems like a great site!

Simone xx

16-10-08, 13:20
Thank you all for the warm and welcoming messages Cheers :)

18-10-08, 23:53
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx