View Full Version : Changed mole

13-10-08, 09:00
Has anyone ever had a mole that changed that DIDN'T turn out to be melanoma? Since reading an earlier post about moles I had another look at mine... I'm now positive that it has changed, in the last few months, maybe even weeks. It's wider and has changed shape a bit. I've got an appointment with the plastic surgeon on Tuesday week, but now that I've seen the change I'm just terrified. My health anxiety has come back in a huge rush, I'm trembling, tearful and my heart is racing. Has anyone ever had a changed mole that wasn't cancerous????

13-10-08, 09:46
hello LeeBee

i have had abit of a experience with moles.. when my wife was giving birth to my son they found a mole under her belly button that they wanted her to have checked out .. the doctor told her that moles change and it dosent mean its a melanoma

Moles are spots on the skin that are brown, blue, black, or flesh-coloured. They are collections of pigment cells that may stay smooth, become raised or wrinkled, or may even fall off in old age

Moles start out as a flat brown or black spot much like a freckle. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, elevations, and colours. As they age, moles become larger and can develop hairs. Most become elevated and lighter in colour before eventually disappearing

Moles change leebee:hugs:

13-10-08, 10:16
Thank you, Malv! I've just spoken to my mum too :blush:, she said the same thing. She had a mole on her leg that got darker, wider and changed shape. She got it removed and it was fine: perfectly benign. So now that's two people that say moles can change and not be cancerous. I do feel a bit better. I haven't had an HA rush that bad for weeks... not even when I had my breast cancer paranoia.

Thanks for the reassurance. Phew. Until next time, eh? :rolleyes:

13-10-08, 10:27
no worries leebee ive had a doctor tell me that moles can change quite a few times! my wife has had some funny moles and they have told her the same thing! :hugs: please dont worry about it. listen to your Mum :D

13-10-08, 11:19
Well Leebee, I,m sure you remember my story on my mole! I had 3 different consultants look at my mole in total and all 3 of them told me that it isn't cancerous and would very probably never turn cancerous. Its the stupid HA that does this too us. I was CERTAIN that they were going to tell me otherwise and still don't believe what 3 of them have told me about it! Good luck for your appointment and let us know how you get on.

13-10-08, 11:21
I had a Mole taken off my left arm which had turned purple. I went to my GP and I think she loosened it and she made an appointment for me to have it operated on.

I was terrified !!

I'm glad you're being observant and getting your mole checked out. I'm sure it will be ok though.

I really don't know how I coped at the Hospital but I remember the nurses holding my hand. Blimey I must've been awake the whole way through cos I remember alot about the Hospital visit.

Think its put me off having my Moles checked.

Good luck