View Full Version : Alcohol Problems - Post Here (Take 2)

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 11:38

I am an alcoholic and awaiting a Home Detox which is happening shortly.
I thought I would start a thread about this subject.
This thread is not about just me, others too who are suffering, Also partners
of alcoholics could contribute too, as they also suffer.
I must stress that I am certainly not a therapist, or qualified to diagnose.
But what I can do is tell my own personal experiences,
you should always seek advice from GP or specialist.

If anyone is thinking of detox, whether Home or Hospital, I can tell you
what my experiences were in a Hospital detox earlier this Year.

I can also report daily on my next Home detox on this thread, just so
people who are wary about having a detox or, maybe just interested to know the process can see what actualy happens.
I will also report on aftercare when detox is finished (Which is the important

Anyone who does not want to post here openly, can PM me if you wish,
I will not discuss with anyone else what has been said.
If you think or know you may have a problem, please post, there are many
here who can advise or support you. Thats what this forum is all about,
everyone supporting each other as we all suffer here in one way or another.

Also if anyone thinks that I have said anything they don't agree with, please PM me and I will edit my post if I agree that the info is incorrect.
Please don't turn thread into a negative thing, as it will deter members from posting.

Lastly, I know this site is mainly about anxiety and depression among others, I also suffer from anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, socialphobia, monophobia. And I think exessive drinking is quite commonly linked with those other illness's.

Wayne :)

13-10-08, 12:04
Hi Wayne

just want to say I wish you all the best in your journey towards becoming a recovered alcoholic.
Some people here know that I work in a rehab unit for alcoholics who have suffered brain damage due to their alcoholism. It's way at the other end of the spectrum were my job is to work with what's left. This is brutal I know but it's reality. These people have to a large extent lost their families friends, homes and the ability mostly to even understand what has happened and why they are there.
I wish everyone who struggles with this issue the ability to develop awarness and somehow the strength to draw on inner resources to change because I work with it every day at the other end.

Pooh x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 12:08
Hi Pooh,
What a great job you do, must be quite a difficult one.

This is one of the reasons I want to create "awareness" of alcohol problems, it can lead to brain damage, luckily I still have my wits about me, but this is why I said previously about stopping dead if you are a heavy drinker, can be dangerous.

Also my last detox I saw with my own eyes poeple with serious brain damage, whether being alcohol or not, its a real eye opener. And VERY hard work for the carers that need to look after them 24/7.
One Lady who was very ill, had to have a carer sit outside her room all night.

Keep posting pooh and thanks for your input.

Wayne :)

13-10-08, 14:32
nice to see there is a take 2 , how are you today wayne?


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 14:38
Hi Amanda, nice to hear from you,
I am fine, in fact, with all the posts here and PM's Today I am too busy to drink to be honest!
So keep them coming! LOL :D

How are you?


13-10-08, 14:38
Hiya m8 ....
Glad 2 see take 2 and thanx for all your help you have given and PMs ..
Just remember we are here 2 support you and Katie through this aswell x

hugs 2 u both :hugs:

13-10-08, 14:39
Hi Wayne, i am not an alcoholic but have a boat load of other anxiety related issue's.
I just wanted to post to say that you are a fantastic person, your desire to help other people and talk them through your journey shows that you have a heart of gold. You show such bravery and determination in your battle but are always thinking about those around you.
I like you Wayne!:yesyes:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 14:42
Hiya m8 ....
Glad 2 see take 2 and thanx for all your help you have given and PMs ..
Just remember we are here 2 support you and Katie through this aswell x

hugs 2 u both :hugs:

Many thanks, Likewise, I am always here to listen, just keep in touch. :)


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 14:44
Hi Wayne, i am not an alcoholic but have a boat load of other anxiety related issue's.
I just wanted to post to say that you are a fantastic person, your desire to help other people and talk them through your journey shows that you have a heart of gold. You show such bravery and determination in your battle but are always thinking about those around you.
I like you Wayne!:yesyes:

Arhh, pinkpiglet, I love your ID! :yesyes:

That is very touching, thank you, I will try my best to support others.



13-10-08, 14:44
im ok ty just had a phone call to go see alcohol councellor thursday ,which is much quicker than i was told ,and addiction nurse friday think might be a bit much both within a day of each other but ill def be going nice to know you are keeping busy im sure we will keep them comming for you to take your mind off other things

take care

Cathy V
13-10-08, 14:45
Take 2...thats a relief! To transfer what i said on the hugs thread earlier, i feel so much better since cutting down my drinking, and thats since i started reading your story and talking to you. Support for you all the way matey :D

milly jones
13-10-08, 14:45
hi wayne

good luck to take 2


milly xxxxxxxxxxx

milly jones
13-10-08, 14:46
well done amanda hugs

milly xxxxxxxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 14:56
im ok ty just had a phone call to go see alcohol councellor thursday ,which is much quicker than i was told ,and addiction nurse friday think might be a bit much both within a day of each other but ill def be going nice to know you are keeping busy im sure we will keep them comming for you to take your mind off other things

take care

Well good luck for Thursday & Friday, I know sounds daunting for 2 Days in a row, but in my experience, appointments sometimes are not easy to get quickly, so you need to weigh up the pro's and con's I guess.

Have you got anything you can take to make you feel more at ease?
If not have a (small drink) I have done that, if it makes you make the appointment so be it, anyhow, thats the reason you are going! right?

Please make the appointments.

Let us know how you get on.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 14:58
Take 2...thats a relief! To transfer what i said on the hugs thread earlier, i feel so much better since cutting down my drinking, and thats since i started reading your story and talking to you. Support for you all the way matey :D

Thanks Cathy, well done on your reduction, well chuffed for ya :yesyes:


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 14:59
hi wayne

good luck to take 2


milly xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Milly, hope your ok, love your avatar pic by the way! :)

Take care,


13-10-08, 15:14
Good luck Wayne:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

And a big:hugs: for Katie too

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 15:42
Thanks Kaz,

I hope this ain't "bad advice" but if your drinking, whether being small amounts or large.

Take vitamins, particulary Vit B1, This is the vitamin that your body lacks while drinking alcohol.

I have been prescribed Vitamin B Compound strong & Thiamine Hydrochloride which even though I am drinking, I still take them daily. Started them from start of last detox. Those I stated can only be on prescription, but at least take multivits that you can buy anywhere.

Basicly the medication I am on strengthens your remaining brains cells to compensate for the dead ones.
Short term memory loss reasons.

That was what I was told my culsultant in Hospital anyway.

Hope helps,

Wayne :)

13-10-08, 16:00
Thanx Cathy 4 your reply on hugs thread ...and well done you hun thats sooo gud and nice 2 hear that you are doing so much better what an achievement .
I drink just at nyt a bottle of red a nyt but Im currently reducing that and Im seing someone On wednesday as I realised it was getting out of hand ....I mean I would drink then feel so anxious next day then moan about being anxious and had a really tough time but still I drank even knowing that that was prob a big prob ...ive cut down from 750ml to 500ml at the mo its 13% so still feel rather groggy of amorning .

With me its the thought of not having a drink I get very anxious and irritable so I know i have a prob but on the road to sorting it out .

Best wishes 2 u well done so far x
Titch xxxxxxxxxxxx:yesyes:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 16:04
Hi Titch,
Thats great you cut down to 500mls from 750. :yesyes:

I used to love my red wine, especialy with like pasta dish or pizza, I am going to miss that when I am clear! oh well.

Well done though, you are going in the right direction, thats the main thing.


13-10-08, 17:10
vitamin b12 is what im lacking in, i have to have injections every 3 months it can be caused by alcohol vb12 deficiency ,and the injections are very painful wayne i might need that little tipple to get me out the door lket alone go but im determined to get there whatever , milly thank you hope your ok also


13-10-08, 18:01
Amanda - Good luck with your appointments for this week :flowers: well done for not giving up !!

Keep going and stay strong.

Take care x

13-10-08, 18:05
thank you katie hope your a bit better today xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 18:53
Hi Amanda,
ok yes Vit B12 must of been the injection I got in my backside for first 3 days of my hospital detox. It was the most painful thing and couldn't walk for about 3 Hours.
I didn't want to bring that up as don't wan't to put anyone off detox, I don't know if I will be having them on Home detox, but knowing my luck I will be getting them again by visiting nurse or GP :weep:

The others I mentioned are tablet form.

Wayne :)

13-10-08, 19:22
i am used to them now wayne been having them for 3 years and they help so worth it at end of day, i did have tablets but they werent strong enough for mine so injections it is lol

13-10-08, 19:23
forgot to say i have mine in my arm and the pain only last a cpl of mins , must tell them im never having them in backside no way lol

13-10-08, 19:28
Thats very interesting about vitb12...I am very low on lots of nutrients as dont eat very welland doc told me 2 take vit b and multi vits ....but I havent as yet taken any ......will def lok in 2 vitb 12 tablet form for me i think lolx

13-10-08, 19:30
I wouldn't say I had a drink problem, per se.
I tend to be a bit of a binge drinker.
I can go without a drink for ages, but when I do go for a good night out, it usually ends up with me being plastered and barely remembering how I got home. Then again, I have found that as I get older, my tolerance to alcohol has decreased. I tend to feel the effects quicker, and feel hangovers much more severely.

So, what I have done for the last half-dozen years or so, is once in a while I set myself a detox target of "No alcohol for 3 months".. or 6 months, or whatever. And I stick to it with no problem. I still go to the pub, but I drink soft drinks... pint of orange+lemonade.. or pint of blackcurrant+soda water.

(*to clarify: that was before I developed depression & stopped going out)

I've seen some awfully sad cases of alcoholics/drunkards, blokes who are p15hed out of their head on cheap cider at 10 am, shuffling around the corner shop with no shoes on, sitting in the park with their brown paper bags. I've seen how it destroys lives.
I have the utmost respect for anyone who does make sincere efforts to get their drink problems under control.

Has anyone tried that "Antabuse" stuff that makes you sick if you have alcohol?

13-10-08, 19:34
hi titch dr diagnosed mine through a blood test it can be caused by lack of veg etc but alcohol can also cause it they always blame mine on alcohol i lost loads of weight with it but now put it all back on lol

13-10-08, 19:51
hi kendo no i ve not had antibuse but im in middle of disscusing a dettox which possibly could involve it have you had it before or going to try it?

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 19:54
I wouldn't say I had a drink problem, per se.
I tend to be a bit of a binge drinker.
I can go without a drink for ages, but when I do go for a good night out, it usually ends up with me being plastered and barely remembering how I got home. Then again, I have found that as I get older, my tolerance to alcohol has decreased. I tend to feel the effects quicker, and feel hangovers much more severely.

So, what I have done for the last half-dozen years or so, is once in a while I set myself a detox target of "No alcohol for 3 months".. or 6 months, or whatever. And I stick to it with no problem. I still go to the pub, but I drink soft drinks... pint of orange+lemonade.. or pint of blackcurrant+soda water.

(*to clarify: that was before I developed depression & stopped going out)

I've seen some awfully sad cases of alcoholics/drunkards, blokes who are p15hed out of their head on cheap cider at 10 am, shuffling around the corner shop with no shoes on, sitting in the park with their brown paper bags. I've seen how it destroys lives.
I have the utmost respect for anyone who does make sincere efforts to get their drink problems under control.

Has anyone tried that "Antabuse" stuff that makes you sick if you have alcohol?

Hiya, interesting post and thanks for your input.

As I said before, there are many kind of drinkers, Like you say, the ones drinking cider on a park bench or outside a shop at 10am? thats late, my first drink is about 7.45 am, then there are the ocassional drinkers, like yourself, ok, get p****d on a Weekend then not bother for a while.
You get the very heavy quiet drinkers like me who drink and keep themselves to themselves. you get the violent drinkers, who smack there wife and kids about. You get drinkers who just have a quick double before bedtime.
Have I missed any?


I remember seeing one outside a shop begging for 20p, and then there mobile phone rung and answered it while begging me for 20p! PMSL
I said, how do you pay for that then? LOL


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13-10-08, 19:57
hi kendo no i ve not had antibuse but im in middle of disscusing a dettox which possibly could involve it have you had it before or going to try it?

No, I've not had it. I just heard about it years ago and wondered if anyone had tried it, and what the success rate was.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 20:00
Spoke to my care worker after last detox, and I think basicly he said I wouldnt need it and, frankly might not be granted it as so expensive for NHS.

13-10-08, 20:00
ive no idea but im going to ask this week i got 2 appointments with alcohol proffesionals lucky me lol

13-10-08, 20:00
Wayne if that beggar was in Kettering, it was me

milly jones
13-10-08, 20:09
lol jaco

this is a lovely thread

just what nmp is about

supporting each other

hugx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 20:14
Wayne if that beggar was in Kettering, it was me

LOL not Kettering, interesting, keep posting, what do you do?

Also Acamprosate (Campral) A drug to ease cravings
Not granted as too expensive.

Result, instant relaps.


13-10-08, 20:17
Apart from begging? I have a small and (particuarly fecking stressful at present) company

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 20:22
Apart from begging? I have a small and (particuarly fecking stressful at present) company

LOL, I thought you were saying that you were the bugger that refused me my drugs as too expesive, OMG, my brain is mashed,
But saying that, kettering is only 20 mins away from me funny enough! :)

13-10-08, 20:25
Yer I think I know where you are, the land of the Plastic Scot at a guess? lol

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 20:29
Yep, you guessed right, but in a small village 3 miles out from there.
I am from Dorking, Surrey, moved up here only 3 Years ago when I met my Wife.

13-10-08, 22:44

would just like to say i have read all your threads and you deserve to be alcohol free. Hope it all works for you

Linda xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
13-10-08, 22:51

would just like to say i have read all your threads and you deserve to be alcohol free. Hope it all works for you

Linda xx

Hi Linda,

Many thanks, I'm sure it will all work out, if you read the threads must of took a while! lol
Thanks for posting, take care,


13-10-08, 23:03
THanx for take two. Hope all going well for you and your lovely wife supporting you..

13-10-08, 23:11
Hi there my gawd this thread has got huge since i replied tis afternoon lol Just wanted to ask did you use alcohol as a coping mechanism for anx etc or did it follow on after and when did you realise you were an alcohlic.
Was there a point in your life that even though you drank before pushed you over the edge where the alcohol usage took over.
Alcohol is a strange one...some of my work colleagues are big drinkers and then you get others like me that don't drink at all.
I want to add to ( not to scare anyone) but women are far more likely to present with alcohol related brain damage far earlier than men. the female physiology isnt designed to stand the same levels of abuse. Then there is the correlation between alcohol dependance and mental health issues...its a fascinating subject on an academic level.
But I'm waffling hope everyone is well

Pooh x

13-10-08, 23:13
Hi, Wayne
I wrote this in last thread.
Thanx for your reply its good to know people feel the same way on this thread and you are not alone. Im taking citralopram 20mg at moment for my anixiety. I found one to one therapy helped when I stopped this time.I knew I had a drinking problem but was in deniel till it ruined my relationship we are still together but working through it. Does Katie still drink and hw does it make you feel as my partner tends to drink sociely 3 times a week and annoys me. However now stopped for this long startin to feel alot better and hope you will too. I also find having a hobby works .take care and best of luck ...

13-10-08, 23:33
Alcoholism has clearly become a sensitive subject on the NMP boards. To avoid further upset, all alcoholism threads will be closed while the admin review the situation. Please respect this decision and refrain from creating new threads about alcoholism.

A statement will be released by the admin on the announcements forum in due course.

NMP Admin Team

15-10-08, 20:21
Thread reopened. Please read the guidelines for alcoholism threads here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=402628#post402628) before posting on the subject.

15-10-08, 21:19
Im glad its reopened .

Hope you are well wayne .....have you heard anything yet hun x

I had my councelling 2 day with advisor and they gave me some good advice about cutting down sloly and gradual.

1 thing I wasnt sure of was she asked when I get the shakes in the morning is it anxiety or withdrawal ...as I dont know the difference Im not sure ..she said they are very different but how do I know which mine are ?

Did that make sense haha xxxxxx

Big hugs xxxxxx
Titch xxxxxxxxx

15-10-08, 21:30
best of luck ticthjd and wayne on your journey. Life is hard but we always need to think positive and you bth are on a long journey just as i am to beat alcohol and anxiety. Ifound 1-1 counselling helped when i first quit 5 mths ago

take care

15-10-08, 21:36
best of luck ticthjd and wayne on your journey. Life is hard but we always need to think positive and you bth are on a long journey just as i am to beat alcohol and anxiety. Ifound 1-1 counselling helped when i first quit 5 mths ago

take care

Hiya .......
Do you still drink or have you quit alltogether ? How did u quit 5months ago ..hope you are doing well with it x
Ive found my meeting 2 day helpful but now wondering if the anxiety at morning is actually anxiety or due 2 drink ?


15-10-08, 21:37
Wayne I think that you are awesome!
Have read some of your threads and know where you are coming from. I have a mild! problem with alcohol (never admitted that before) but nothing to what you have been through. Take care and good luck!! :)

15-10-08, 22:23
I also want to wish you good luck wayne, this is a subject close to my heart I also have issues with the dreaded drink, keep posting and take care

Emma xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
15-10-08, 23:16
Im glad its reopened .

Hope you are well wayne .....have you heard anything yet hun x

I had my councelling 2 day with advisor and they gave me some good advice about cutting down sloly and gradual.

1 thing I wasnt sure of was she asked when I get the shakes in the morning is it anxiety or withdrawal ...as I dont know the difference Im not sure ..she said they are very different but how do I know which mine are ?

Did that make sense haha xxxxxx

Big hugs xxxxxx
Titch xxxxxxxxx

Hi Titch,
Glad you made the appointment, well done!
Shakes in the morning? well I dont shake in the morning from anxiety, I know that much, but I couldn't say for sure if it is drink or anx for you.

What do you think it is? or do you not know?

Take care,


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
15-10-08, 23:17
I also want to wish you good luck wayne, this is a subject close to my heart I also have issues with the dreaded drink, keep posting and take care

Emma xxx

Thanks Emma, is the issues with you or someone close to you?

you keep posting too,


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
15-10-08, 23:21
Wayne I think that you are awesome!
Have read some of your threads and know where you are coming from. I have a mild! problem with alcohol (never admitted that before) but nothing to what you have been through. Take care and good luck!! :)

My Wife just said "click quote, and say you dont have to live with me!" :D

When you say Mild, can you clarify?

Thanks for posting,


16-10-08, 11:10
oh they are all my issues wayne lol, I didnt drink last night though feel much better this morning and already doing housework, were normally would be laid on sofa nursing head and anciety till lunch, keep up good work and take care

Emma xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
16-10-08, 11:21
Hi Emma,
I am no therapist or counciler, but sounds like you do have some control to be able to go a Night without a drink.
If you need to talk you know where this thread is and where I am.

You take care,


16-10-08, 11:25
aww thanks Wayne, youre a star, my drinking is more habit than need, and finding something else to do with my time would help, I work nights in a care home so thats cut me down, but my habit was snowballing i still like a drink on a weekend, but hate the feeling next morning, I want to curl in a ball and not go out, shaking and feeling pants, hot and sweaty, am sure with help and support we can all get thorough this,

Emma xxx

16-10-08, 11:34
aww wayne thank god we got this thread hun, so many people need help with this subject and people can relate to your down to earth attitude and honesty.

the thread is doing great and u have lots of support and lucky also to have a lovely solid family too and the lovely katie.

hugs xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
16-10-08, 12:17
aww wayne thank god we got this thread hun, so many people need help with this subject and people can relate to your down to earth attitude and honesty.

the thread is doing great and u have lots of support and lucky also to have a lovely solid family too and the lovely katie.

hugs xxx

Thanks Donna,
Yes I am lucky I got family support and of course members here.

The way I look at my situation as it stands without the jargon is, I started walking up the mountain back in June, got half way up and a bloody boulder came rolling down and took me back down, I am getting up and brushing myself down and starting to walk up again and determined to get to the top!

I guess you can picture that in a cartoon version. LOL


16-10-08, 12:28
Hi Wayne,
I have been following your threads but not posted before.I just want to wish you all the best with your recovery.You are so open about your problem and I think thats a very important point.You don't try to excuse anything.
I'm sure you will beat it this time.You deserve to.I wish you and your family well.Roll on the detox:yesyes: .
julie x:hugs:

16-10-08, 12:31
thats right wayne and as my fav quote says "only this time you will do it better"

this time you will have better support up that mountain :hugs:

Thanks Donna,
Yes I am lucky I got family support and of course members here.

The way I look at my situation as it stands without the jargon is, I started walking up the mountain back in June, got half way up and a bloody boulder came rolling down and took me back down, I am getting up and brushing myself down and starting to walk up again and determined to get to the top!

I guess you can picture that in a cartoon version. LOL


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
16-10-08, 12:43
Hi Wayne,
I have been following your threads but not posted before.I just want to wish you all the best with your recovery.You are so open about your problem and I think thats a very important point.You don't try to excuse anything.
I'm sure you will beat it this time.You deserve to.I wish you and your family well.Roll on the detox:yesyes: .
julie x:hugs:

Hi Julie,
Many thanks for your kind post.
Yeah roll on the detox, so frustrating, just want to get it started!

This is why I try and encourage people to make appointments, you are basicly in a queue, miss it and could wait ages for another.

I was told 7-10 Days for detox but been over 2 weeks now.

At least I am saving the NHS a few quid by having Home detox, sure someone told me it costs NHS £1000 a week to detox in Hospital! :ohmy:

Anyway, Take care Julie.

Wayne :)

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
23-10-08, 09:54
Hi all,
Just thought I would bump this thread as getting buried, in case someone has not seen it and would like to post about this subject.

Still waiting for my detox, been over 3 Weeks now and was told 7-10 Days.

Take care,


Cathy V
23-10-08, 10:19
Yes, ive just been catching up with this thead too, and you really do have loads of support and we're all waiting with you haha! give us the number and we'll all ring and tell them to get going! :D

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
23-10-08, 11:06
Thanks Cathy, hopefully will hear something soon.

Yesterday 12 Year old step daughter saw my hands shaking and asked why they were shaking, I said to her to do with anxiety, but was alcohol withdrawel, I am trying to drink least as possible but body is craving more, she is too young to understand about anxiety and drink, she knows about my phobias but not about drinking, she doesn't see me drink.

23-10-08, 23:59
Well done for wanting to get help getting dry. How long since your last drink?

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
24-10-08, 07:33
Well done for wanting to get help getting dry. How long since your last drink?

I assume you asking me?

Well now it's 7.30 am, last drink was last night about 11.30pm, I am lying on the bed shaking, I need a few sips in the morning to stop the shakes.
Then again, lately seem to shake most of the Day.

I will ring to find out about detox this morning cos I am really getting angry about it now.

Take care,
