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View Full Version : It took over

13-10-08, 11:46
Everything that has been building up over the weeks finally took over last night. I had a panic attack........i know it was that NOW but at the time thought i was having a heart attack. I had chest pains, left arm pain I was shaking like a leaf, went all hot and sweaty :weep: so i rang the doctor. Had to wait for a call back, and the bloke on the other end was soooooooo helpful. Said i could go to casualty for an ecg and bloods but he didn't think i needed to as he said it sounded like a panic attack. Turns out at 51 he suffered from anxiety and ectopics and just talking to him made me feel better.
After a while the pain went and i started to calm down but was left with horrible ectopics like 6-8 every minute for at least 2 hours.
No pain this morning but just feel tired :mad: and very very anxious. Feel like i'm trembling inside and keep thinking the worst is gonna happen but i'm sure it won't. I'm the same as everyone else and just wish this would all go away.


13-10-08, 12:17
i know how you feel there awful...no wonder you feel tired today it really takes it out of you..nothing bad will happen to you just try to relax today..xx

13-10-08, 13:08
Am trying to relax...took one look at housework and ironing and thought nahhhh not today. Even tho i feel kinda relaxed i still got a niggling thought in the back of my mind :mad: . Still feel shakey tho grrrrr @ anxiety hate it hate hate it

13-10-08, 23:30
Tracy, there is a huge positive in this in that you have taken a step back today and cut yourself some slack - the house work and ironing will be there to tackle another day. I hope the niggle goes away soon (when i have had a bad panic i am very shaky for a couple of days afterwards until i get my confidence back in myself)

Take care xxxx

14-10-08, 10:30
^ Exactley,

had a massive attack about 3 days ago very simmilar to what you said Tracey,

my sleep pattern has shifted since and im waking up feeling weak and a little shaky.


14-10-08, 12:21
Well I have to say that in the end I had a good day yesterday, left everything for today (still not done it tho lol). Only blip was that my eldest has conjunctivitis which she was given drops for but wrong ones and she came home from school hardly able to open her eyes so whisked her back up to docs and now got right ones.
Today tho i'm not so good :weep:. Tired but nothing unusual there lol and its not because of lack of sleep coz i sleep like a bloomin log no matter what but have had the ectopics again grrrrrr but i've noticed today that i only get them when do something like walking up the stairs so now got it in my head again that they're happening because i'm putting strain on my heart :doh:.
So here i go again worrying myself and i'm not liking it.


14-10-08, 17:38
Tracey and minhaha,

how do you deal with the bigger attacks?, when your shaking all over and stuff? ive had 2 in 3 days now and i need a plan of action.



15-10-08, 21:11
I usually land up in a crumpled heap on the floor lol.
Seriously tho, somedays I can handle it by breathing through them and drinking some water. Also if I can talk to someone to try and ease my mind.
The other night tho was so bad i rang doctors but I had a nice bloke on the end of the phone who also suffers and he was on phone for at least 15 mins and by time i had finished talking i had calmed down.
I don't have a plan of action as such as some attacks are not as severe as others.........sorry not much help was i really lol
Sorry to hear that you've suffered tho Cons, big hugs to you coz they're not nice at all and wouldn't wish them on anyone.


15-10-08, 21:33
:bighug1: hi tracy hang in there love it will get better. i to suffer from gad coming up to a year now but it is gettting better as i have learned to cope but when i get an attack it still scares you it is not very nice. if you want to talk im here3 if you need me ..
speack to you soon :bighug1:
laura xx
I usually land up in a crumpled heap on the floor lol.
Seriously tho, somedays I can handle it by breathing through them and drinking some water. Also if I can talk to someone to try and ease my mind.
The other night tho was so bad i rang doctors but I had a nice bloke on the end of the phone who also suffers and he was on phone for at least 15 mins and by time i had finished talking i had calmed down.
I don't have a plan of action as such as some attacks are not as severe as others.........sorry not much help was i really lol
Sorry to hear that you've suffered tho Cons, big hugs to you coz they're not nice at all and wouldn't wish them on anyone.
