View Full Version : Please help going out of my mind

13-10-08, 13:47

THis is very hard for me to write as I dont want people to think I am going crazy, I keep having these horrible thought about harming the people I love including my daughter and its scaring me as they seem so real I keep thinking I am going to act them out. I am scared to be around hot cups of tea and knives because last night I woke up in the middle of the night and could see myself stabbing everyone in the house. I am not sure if I am going mad and hearing voices telling me to do it or if it is my anxiety as when it first started it was thoughts but I am panicking about going mad so have I myself made it sound like voices. I really dont want to hurt the people I love. Someone please advise me what to do. I am taking 20mg citalopram once a day which is starting to help after 2 weeks

13-10-08, 21:46
Hello ipanicbadly,

I am sorry you are suffering this way with disturbing thoughts. I know this is a symptom of ocd - if you go to the main menu and look under ocd you may find it helpful. I am sure you will find help under the ocd forum too; there should be members who will understand and be able to support you.

I am glad the medication is beginning to help. I really hope you will be feeling better soon.

13-10-08, 21:53
hi panic

Rosie is right, this does sound like a trait of OCD. I have had thoughts too, but try and remember, they are only thoughts not actions.

Your fear of these thoughts is a healthy reaction to them so don't be alarmed.



14-10-08, 10:30
Thank you guys its good to know that I will not act on these thoughts as they are really scary