View Full Version : Anyone else dealing with chronic muscle Tension?

13-10-08, 13:49
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone else is dealing with muscle Tension? This has been a big problem for me latley. My neck, back & shoulders, Sometime my arms, It seem's to be the place I store all my tension, I have tried to start to exercise to see if that would help, but it hurts to move sometimes. I just dont know if this my anxiety, I do have generlized anxiety, I do notice I tense my neck and shoulders and I do not even realize I am doing it, so If anyone else can relate I would like to here you feedback. Thanks. Somtimes I feel like I am 90 years old. I am only 42


13-10-08, 13:56
Hiya ...Yes I can definately relate 2 that its a big problem for me mainly my shoulders ..even when sitting watching tv they ache soooo much and hurt .

My doc had reffered me 2 a clinic by me that does free massage on the NHS ...I see you are from USA not sure how your doctors work over there .

I was told 2 put a warm towel round my shoulders of a nyt and it does help ..but I would look strange walking round in the day with a towel on my shoulders haha .

Are you able 2 maybe get a regular massage 2 relieve the tension ?

Titchjd xxxxxxxx

14-10-08, 23:27
Hi hun :D:hugs:

Titch has give you some good advice allready.

My muscul tenstion mainly happens around the top of my back by one of my shoulder blades, this can hurt soo much at times. I allso have a mucule on my shoulder, which does not hurt, but it can go into spasem and stick up Mmm, very strange, it does go back down. I have been told by a masus (mm it that right LOL) that I have a knot on my shoulder blade. I never even told her about my problem with the muscule on my shoulder blade, oh she was good :yesyes:

I do find that a good massage helps but allso relaxation cds help too and of course doing some stretching exercises on a daily bases, PLEASE little at a time with the stretching exercises, small steps and take it slow, build it up over time. DON'T go full swing with exercise. BITS at a time. Cobining all these will help lossen the musculs over time.



22-11-09, 14:51
i have tension all the time in back and hips i use a hot water bottle but the best thing for me is to conquer my ha take care, over the pond and best wishes

22-11-09, 15:09
My neck, shoulders, chest have always been the sorest although my hips and back ache also...not sure how much is fibromyalgia and how much is simple muscle tension. Sometimes crawl out of bed and it feels like someone has hammered me 12 inches into the floor!! Have had physio, but only allowed 6 sessions and did a small amount of good for a small amount of time!! Also went to private practice but didn't really help. Agree with the others, heat is the only help for me and prescribed painkillers. As I type this I cannot move my neck to the right at all and the pain is also down my right shoulder blade! Falling to bits really!! Good luck with finding some relief. XX

23-11-09, 19:13

For the past three days I have hardly been able to move my neck. From the bottom of my head, down through my neck and top of shoulders. I just want it to go away! I can't sleep at night either because no matter what position I get in, it always hurts. Nightmare!

23-11-09, 21:41
I suffer bad from it in my chest and back it can be so painful.

26-11-09, 12:28
yes i have this bad, neck pain, chest pain legs and arms ache and shoulders dreadful :(

26-11-09, 23:39
yeppers,...... all the time so bad it cramps my side like someone kicked me or will give me a migrane and everything inbetween you aren't alone.Michael

eternally optimistic
28-11-09, 18:29
Hi D

I suffered, I would say, chronic fatigue for many many years without realising it wasnt right.

Several years ago I was put on Citalopram and I it wasnt until 6 months into taking these that I realised that heavy feeling of carrying a weight around with me had gone! HOOOOOOOORAY. I didnt take the tablets for this reason, but it sort of rested my body. I was also much weller in myself, not being ill every week or so.
My tension rests in my shoulders and still does now when I'm a bit fraught.

I'm not suggesting you go onto tablets for this, but if you could achieve what I did, then it might be worth speaking with your Doc.

I dont want to over or under play how naff I had felt for such a long long time but since having reclaimed myself in terms of not feeling physically exhausted has helped in dealing with other things.

Im not on meds at the moment and I do get tired and cranky sometimes and I purposely take time out to readjust. Even if it is sitting quiet for 1/2 an hour.

Hope you start to feel good soon.

Take care.