View Full Version : Dreams and nightmares.....

13-10-08, 14:05
Anyone else have very vivid dreams or nightmares nearly everynight? I always find myself waking up at about 4/5 o clock sweating, heart racing, disorientated because of a bad dream. Sometimes even in the day i find myself questioning whether i'm still in a dream or is this real?! And that sends my panic into overdrive!

I dunno whether its what i'm eating or drinking before i go to bed but its really annoying me now, i just want to sleep without having a nightmare! ARGH!

Also, does anyone have any rituals or specific things they do before they go to bed??

I always leave the tele on quiet aswell as i hate it when everything is totally silent! Does anyone else do this???

13-10-08, 20:30
Yes, I get all of this. I wake up a lot in the night, after having nightmares or strange dreams, my heart racing and sweating. It's really scary, but usually I'm so tired from the day before i go bavk to sleep quite fast.
I also get what you're saying about thinking you're in a dream. I get this sometimes and question whether what i'm doing is really happening. I also get flashbacks to my nightmares some days too..very weird.
I ahve rituals in the morning more, like I always have to make my bed a certain way and put my pyjamas under my pillow in a certain order..im strange lol :blush:
Take care

07-12-08, 11:12
I get this most of the time, it drives y crazy, my dreams are not ightmares as such, more incredibly strage, I usually wake up at 4 aswell and feel extreamly weird and unable to think properly i go to the toilet sit and have a panic atack, very shakey, sweaty and scared. i get those flash backs too, does anyone get it where you see something like a brown chair and your mind goes overdrive and your like i dreamt someone was sitting on a brown chair, these dreas tho really detatch me from reality.

Veronica H
08-12-08, 17:46
:) Hi Si and All
I have had vivid dreams every night of my life as far back as I can remember, I am 49 now. Sometimes they are nightmares, disasters, other times just weird. Last night I dreamt that the Chef Gordon Ramsey was being chased by a mob of youths. Just as they cornered him, he took out a cricket bat and they all played cricket together....now you thought you had problems. I just accept this as my brain sorting itself out and try not to dwell on it. I have noticed though that this seems to be something that many of us have in common on this site.


10-12-08, 00:12
I have had these recently. I was stressed by one last night it was the worst in a long time I woke up at 7am and had to turn the TV on.