View Full Version : Abdominal breathing

03-06-05, 17:05
Hi all,

Just wanted to get some input into something...

The major physical symptom of my anxiety is a racing heart. This has subsided mostly , but still plays up every once in a while. Adbomincal breathing has been recommended to me many times, and I've been trying, but it seems to make it even worse! I've been doing a lot of Yoga lately, and I'll be fine until we have to lay down and so the deep breathing. My heart will be completely normal before this, and then once I start, I start to feel it again, and my heart rate speeds up. Any suggestions???


03-06-05, 17:17
Hi Lisa,
Haven't any real advice as such, but i did exactly the same last night, relaxation tape, deep breathing, before i started i was sort of ok, then i felt weird and heart pounding and then dizzy, i think it was because i was STILL thinking about all of my symptoms and definately not following the instructions clearly, i am very out of practice when it comes to breathing correctly and i think last night i was so very aware of every breathe, every heatbeat and then i guess the panic set in? Not much help am i? but just trying to say you are not alone and this is all down to anxiety. take care. i'm sure some-one who knows what they are talking about will let you know how to cope.

03-06-05, 18:33
Hi Lisa,

I sometimes find this too. If I've had a bout of anxiety and I'm trying to calm down, my heart is already racing and less noticeable. Sometimes if I'm feeling a bit uneasy and start the breathing exercises, my heart speeds up before it slows down. I did some tests with my dads heart monitor, I checked my pulse rate first when feeling uneasy and it was 93 bpm, I then laid down and did the abdominal breathing for a few minutes, sat up slowly and my heart rate was 63 bpm. I also tried from when I was feeling relatively calm and my heart rate was in the 70's bpm and then did the abdominal breathing and I felt my heart speed up before settling down again. Not sure as to why but I know if you continue the breathing it starts to bring your heart rate down again or at least for me anyway.

Hope this helps,


04-06-05, 12:43
I sometimes have panics after doing deep breathing especially after the adbom ones....i put it down to having the extra oxygen going round. If your body gets used to shallow breathing you will find this.

After you will feel more comfortable doing the deep breathing and it will become 2nd nature.
Hope this helps

with good wishes


05-06-05, 20:52
Hello Lisa,
I used to experience the same symptoms when I first started to practise abdominal breathing. A sudden change in the amount of oxygen does all sorts of weird things to your body, we all need a certain balance of
O2 and CO2 in our blood. I now believe the best way to achieve correct breathing is to concentrate on relaxed breathing rather than deep breathing. When meditating, concentrate on relaxing your shoulders, chest area and stomach and you will find normal, calm breathing patterns will follow. I found this much better than conscious deep breathing as it left me panicking and defeated the whole objective.
I am sure you will find which method will work for you - its all about practice!
Isn't it weird that after years of not thinking about how we breathe, we seem to forget how to do it correctly all of a sudden?
All the best, Amanda

a hill

06-06-05, 01:59
It takes a lot of practice and a lot of getting used to.
It works really well once you get the hang of it.

The best thing to do is practice when you don't need to abdominal breathe. That way when you do need it - it comes naturally.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'