View Full Version : New counselling 2morra

13-10-08, 17:30
Hiya folks ..
I start a new group therapy 2morra ..How to overcome General anxiety ....I will see what its like as I have panic disorder and Anxiety so hopefully I will get some good advice .

If its good I will post any tips or advice I get on here ..xx

daft though as Im anxious about going 2 an anxiety meeting xxx:blush:

13-10-08, 18:30
I Hope it goes well hun

Knickers xxxx

13-10-08, 18:33
ooow best of luck matey, sounds interesting, look forward to some good tips matey. hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

13-10-08, 18:59
Good Luck Titch, Hope it goes OK :)

daft though as Im anxious about going 2 an anxiety meeting xxx:blush::D :D :D

13-10-08, 19:32
Thanx everyone .......hope I manage 2 get there ..deep breathes ...positive thinking ....xxxxxxxxxx

Will let you know how it goes xxxxxxxx

13-10-08, 19:48
Good luck, hope it helps.

13-10-08, 19:53
Is it a closed group ie are you being invited to join? Do you have to sign a contract to commit yourself to so many weeks of therapy or is that decided for you? Just curious that is all.

13-10-08, 20:07
Thanx Kendo.....xxx

Hi Elizabeth....it is a group I have been referred to through my doctors ......It is for 8 weeks but You arent made to go but doing the full course will be beneficial .....I started 1 afew months ago but then my anxiety took a turn for the worst so couldnt even leave house so I have had a new course starting 2 morrow .....It is very friendly atmosphere and they give you advice and tips on how 2 cope with your anxiety . Hope that helps .....Have you had any counselling hun xxxxx

13-10-08, 20:26
Just think titch, if it's an anxiety meeting, everyone willl be feeling anxious! Hope it goes well and you get some good tips to share:D
GOOD LUCK :yesyes:
Take Care

13-10-08, 20:30
Thanx Amy ...xxxxx

Will do hun and wil post em on here 4 every1 xx

Hope u are well hun xxxxxxx

eternally optimistic
13-10-08, 20:44
Good luck with the meeting.



13-10-08, 20:46
Thanx Jackie .....I hope It does some good allready having CBT this is something else I can gain from hopefully xxxx

wishing you well
Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxx

14-10-08, 09:01
:weep: im sooooooooooo anxious about this meeting ..dont know ......Its not so much the meeting but having all these feelings ..ive got palps numb lips,feel sick giddy ,tense and I have 2 drive its about 20mins x

I so want 2 ring and cancel.....dont know what 2 do :weep: .I really want 2 go but just feel so bad xxxxx

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxx

14-10-08, 09:31
It's difficult, I know i'd feel just the same as you do right now.

After I was hospitalised I had individual Therapy aswell as Group Therapy which covered Anxiety/Panic and Depression. Everybody felt the same way, it was very hard at first. Some people used to have afew shots of strong stuff, to help their nerves early in the morning, I could understand where they were coming from, though they were sent home, and told to try again the following week without having to do this.
Don't do this though, not a good idea. The Therapists have noses like sniffer dogs, nobody can get away with it, even if somebody was to drink Vodka lol.

Good luck, you'll feel so much better if you were to go, you'll feel asthough you've acheived so much. Don't beat yourself up, if you're unable to though, you can always try again next week.

Is it this morning ? It maybe a good idea to call the Therapist and have a word with her and explain your feelings, she could put your mind at rest, or at least help just that little bit.

Hoping all goes well x

14-10-08, 09:45
good luck for your therapy session today hunny. hugs xxxxxxxxx

14-10-08, 13:44
Thanx Katie and Donna xxx

Well I managed 2 get there ....there were 10 of us and i was anxious all the way through .....but I stayed the 2hours .....it was just the basics 2 day and I know sooo much about my illness that I found my mind wondering off 2 my thoughts of fear as I wasnt focused on group because It wasnt anything new 2 me ........I will carry on going though as as the weeks go on It will be come more helpfull and usefull 2 me xxxxxxx

I need 2 get 2 the session about counteracting my thoughts because thats my problem ..I think 2 much xxxxxxxxxxxx

14-10-08, 13:49
hiya titch and welldone for going and getting through it all hun. hugs xxx

14-10-08, 14:02
That's brilliant, I'm so glad you made it.

That's part of our problem (Anxiety Sufferers), we do think far too much hey.

Well done though, you must feel so happy to have achieved it. :flowers:

14-10-08, 15:03
Well done :D:yesyes: :yahoo:
Bet you feel great now
Glad it went okay and hope you get some good results.
Take care

14-10-08, 15:18
Well done Titch hope it helps you.


14-10-08, 15:36
Thanx every1 ......the course didnt help much 2 day but by just going and sitting through it was an achievment so im glad I went xxxxx:yesyes: