View Full Version : hello im new in here please help

13-10-08, 17:44
hello to you all i am new to this forum and i am 28yrs old. i am trying to find out any information on fibromyalgia. i am not able to work but my gp feels i may have fibromyalgia but he will not diagnose it, as he says i am too young. even though i know it can be diagnosed in children. however does anyone on here have the condition it would be great to chat to someone who also has the condition to find out abit more about it. i have alot of the symptoms, but because i have not got a proper diagnose i dont know if i need to mention it to the benefits people. or if i do whether it would change any off the benefits anyway. it scares me as i dont want to have to check it again in case i lose some of the benefits i get. im in limbo. anyone with any thoughts. :yesyes:

13-10-08, 18:00
hi hun
my mother in law has it bad,if you like i can tell her about yourself and maybe the two of you could email? she knows so much about it... let me know my private message x
take care

milly jones
13-10-08, 18:04
welcome to no more panic
love milly xxx :blush:

13-10-08, 19:18
Welcome to the site. You will find plenty of caring people here to help with your problems.:)

14-10-08, 01:32
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

15-10-08, 16:30
thanks to you all. im new to hear so dont know what my private thread details are.

15-10-08, 17:18
Hi Smiler

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


15-10-08, 17:49
welcome and hope you find what you r looking for here

16-10-08, 02:04
hello to you all i am new to this forum and i am 28yrs old. i am trying to find out any information on fibromyalgia. i am not able to work but my gp feels i may have fibromyalgia but he will not diagnose it, as he says i am too young. even though i know it can be diagnosed in children. however does anyone on here have the condition it would be great to chat to someone who also has the condition to find out abit more about it. i have alot of the symptoms, but because i have not got a proper diagnose i dont know if i need to mention it to the benefits people. or if i do whether it would change any off the benefits anyway. it scares me as i dont want to have to check it again in case i lose some of the benefits i get. im in limbo. anyone with any thoughts. :yesyes:

Hi there,
I suffer from Fibromyalgia, and was diagnosed 3 years ago. I had to see a Rhematologist for this. I am 39 years old, so I was 36 back then. If you need any information or want to talk about it feel free to message me.


18-10-08, 23:56
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

29-10-08, 16:08
hi mistie yeah thanks for that. i am going to my gp tomorrow and going to ask if i can go onto amytripline. also if i dare ask to many things at once im also going to ask if i can be referred to pain management clininc and also rheumtology. if he will. im frightened to ask but if i dont ask i wont be able to see gp again until at least another month as he has long waiting lists. aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh

30-10-08, 10:41
hi all i cant get into chat which id like to do as i use the library computer and it says there is a server or firewall so it wont let me load the chat. however. i have been to my gp today and he has put me on amytripyline 10mg for starters. he then said i can go up to 20mg after christmas and if need be up to 50mg in all. he said that the pain management clinic would not necesarily see me as they deal more with p\tients who are having or had operations recently. i didnt ask about the rheumotology as he wants to see if i can manage on the amytripyline first.

so thats all i know for now.