View Full Version : Just Exhausted

Miss Alissa
13-10-08, 17:47
Hi everyone

I have to apologise in advance because this is really just a rant but somehow I do find that it helps to write it down. I’m having a bit of a crappy time – basically a few things are up in the air in terms of jobs and houses and money and all the other dull things about being an adult at the moment – and of course when that happens the healthy anxiety rears its ugly head. I’ve also just had 2 weeks of a nasty cold which left me kind of wiped out and has also made me very conscious of my body – not a great combo! Anyway, I think I’m handling things ok at the moment, I am trying so so hard - but I’m just constantly aware of having to try to be ok if you see what I mean. And although I’m constantly trying to feel and think calmly and rationally, and distract myself - my body just feels so tense. I look terrible – my skin has broken out, I have pins and needles in my feet and legs, shooting pains ALL over, my ectopics are the worst they have ever been (not helped at all by a cough and sore throat), and it seems like I have literally chewed half of my cheek off from grinding my teeth and biting in my sleep. It is like the more conscious I am of things being anxiety-related, the more dramatic my body wants to make the symptoms to try and scare me. Above all else I just feel exhausted by it – I know – or I think I know where it is coming from but it’s just like my brain and my body don’t want to work together – even though I really know it’s the two parts of my brain that don’t want to! Anyway, sorry for complaining – I’m trying to eat well and sleep well and take care of myself but at the moment it just seems like any tiny interruption to that just sets me off – worse than I ever was before. But the weird thing is that the things that should be scary – aren’t – interviews, public speaking etc – it’s the everyday that I find hardest because I have the niggle that something is wrong when the threat isn’t easily identifiable. Does that make sense? Anyway, waffling now – thanks for letting me get it off my chest.



13-10-08, 18:01
Hi Alissa,

It all makes perfect sense, and people here who suffer from health anxiety will be able to relate to everything you have described. It can be really difficult to cope with.

It might be worth having a chat with your doctor, he may be able to suggest something to help see you through this difficult patch. It sounds like you are trying to do all the right things by taking care of yourself - but sometimes it is really hard to keep on top of it.

At least you can find some support here; it does help to share a problem.:hugs:I hope you will be feeling better soon.

13-10-08, 18:44
Wow, I have just read how you feel and it feels like you are describing how I am feeling!
I feel really run down at the moment, I seem to be suffering cold after cold and the palpitations are going crazy! I ache all over, feel exhausted and generally feel really miserable. My anxiety has hit the roof which is making me feel even worse.
So I know how you feel!
I've had an awful few weeks, redundancy at work, problems at home and to top it all, me and my man have just bought a flat that needs doing up so we are in the process of doing this too. I feel like there is not enough hours in the day at the moment and I feel so fed up that all I want to do is just curl up in bed and stay there for a few days! :wacko:

Sorry to hijack your post with my problems but I thought it might make you feel a bit better knowing that somebody else feels the same as you (it always makes me feel a bit better! :D )

I think we have both got to remember that we are only human and can only do so much. We both need to take time out and chill out (easier said then done) otherwise we will probably end up going crazy and that is not a good idea!

Take care of you because you are important. If you feel you really are having trouble coping then a trip to the docs might be worth while.

Feel free to send me a message if you need any support, I really do know how you feel!

Hope you feel better soon x