View Full Version : general anx

13-10-08, 18:37
hi guys

ive had 3 good days anx wise but on and off i have been able to feel my heartbeat this goes for days then returns again can anyone relate to this
its stressing me out a bit
also does anyone find that anything causes this to happen more like alcohol etc ?????

13-10-08, 18:43
Hi Smiths

Yes I can relate to this i'm going through this right now and it is driving me mad. I find that mine gets worse when I am trying to rest and certain foods can make mine race. I don't drink but I do believe alcohol can make it worse.

Hope it improves soon.


13-10-08, 18:47
thanks for your reply carol hope you feel better soon 2
what foods do you think make it worse

13-10-08, 22:13

I find that tea (if its not de-caff) makes my heart race and too much chocolate, especially if its in the evening. I don't drink coffee and only have de-caff tea now, never have cola or some over the counter pain remedies if they've got caffeine in. Also some cold remedies have ephedrine in and that makes me a bit jittery too. Hope this helps.

daisy x

13-10-08, 23:05
thank you daisy