View Full Version : What medication do you take for your anxiety.

13-10-08, 20:33
Hi im new to the froum and never spoke to ppl with anxiety before or i think i havent. Ive had it for the last 5 years the first 3 were bad, last 2 years not so bad. Ive just gone back to college as a mature student and the symptons are on its way back, i was wondering if theres any herbal medications out there that would chill me out, i find being in a classroom and explaining things to the class from a book embarrassng and stressful, then that leads me to going home worrying about it. The main thing i want to do is to stop drinking completley and lead a healthier lifebut my mates are always inpubant to stop smoking but i feel this is unrealistic atm because it is something i really enjoy but i imagine it probably adds to my stress and anxiety. I know i can get rid of anxiety and everyone else can because once we never had it and ive seen massive improvements now in my own life. Any way thats me.:yesyes:

15-10-08, 20:54
Hello nobbo :)

There are herbal stuff you can take that claim to help. I think it depends on your anxiety level .. if it's not too bad then they may well be all you need.

There's a section on natural remedies on here that you might find helpful :)

16-10-08, 11:58
I take amitryptline.It wasnt perscribed for depression but to numb the nerve endings in my neck as i have 2 prolapses.
Back in january i was due to go on a long haul flight and whilst at work,someone told me that a women had overdosed on this med.It apparently changes your heart rythmm, and as i had been getting chest pain,i dropped from 200mg to 50 mg in one day.About 2 days later i started having bad thoughts about getting a blood clot and was convinced this is where my chest pain was coming from.
Went to a&e and had ecg and was told i was ok and within 3 hrs,i was back at the out of hours drs.I was given another ecg and the nurse i saw was brill.The dr came and he said to put my meds back up and within 2 days i was able to strt packing for my hols.
The attacks i had were awful hot,dizziness,feeling sick and not being able to breathe and at one point my hubby thought we werent gonna get away.
I apologised to the dr afterwards and told him i felt like a nutter and he said that it could have happened to anyone who had dropped their meds so quick.
I now suffer that i can get back down lower than 100mg.I feel these tabs work.yeah i get worried but no where as bad as jan

16-10-08, 12:10
I found kalms herbal tablets very good they seemed to help me when i was quite bad with anxiety, about the smoking thing ..... im a smoker who would also love to give up but with my anx and pas i dont think ive got a chance at the moment, why dont people just live and let live instead of having a go at us about our fags.
Best of luck to you POLLY