View Full Version : Hello, I'm new here and a little confused

13-10-08, 22:44
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here, I'm a 24 y/o female from England. I have suffered with what I believe to be social anxiety and panic attacks for approximately 5 years although the doctor hasn't diagnosed me as such. I feel I have hit a bit of a dead end at the moment and I don't know how to move forward. I went to see my doctor 4 months back and she referred me to the psychology department - who contacted me within a week to fill out a questionnaire, whcih I did and they haven't contacted me since. The doctor I saw seemed uninterested in what I had to say and she made me feel really uncomfortable (but then I can be paranoid so maybe this was all in my head) so I went back last week to see a different doctor and when I told him how I was feeling and how it was affecting me he asked me what I wanted him to do....truth was, I didn't know, this caused me to fumble and stutter uncontrollably and I felt like an idiot....as if I was saying to him "look, I'm not lying...this is what happens to me". I ended up asking him if there were any tablets he could give me and in the mean time contact the psychology dept to se if they received my completed questionnaire. He prescribed me citalopram but on the day I started taking them I came down with acute bronchitis - I felt incredibly nauseous and shakey, went back to docs and got some antiobiotics, he advised not to take citalopram until I am over my infection so we can distinguish if it was the infection of citalopram that is making me feel ill.

I'm sorry, I'm going 50 to the dozen here and nobody is probably keeping up with me! To cut it short...I still have bronchitis but getting over it and feeling better today so I started taking them again and today...I feel sick and can't keep my hands or feet warm. I feel jumpy and like I want to cry all the time. I've read numerous stuff on the net that discourages the use of prescription drugs to treat anxiety related disorders so I don't know what to do. Say the citalopram doesn't work out, what am I to expect from the psychologist? What do they do? Is it like counselling? If they ever get back to me!

I'm sorry, Im just so confused right now. I guess I might feel happier if I had a label for what I am going through...I just guess it's anxiety. I don't know who/how/.what to ask for help because I don't know whats wrong with me! I left universty because of this and now 4 years later I am back and struggling in the same way, they aren't aware of it and I'm afraid of screwing it up again!

I should go to bed now, i'm rambling

Thanks to those of you that read this


13-10-08, 23:05
Sorry to hear you are feeling so awful. It must be horrible feeling like this and trying to hide it whilst studying.

I don't have any experience of what you are suffering from, I have health problems and have no diagnosis and agree with you, if we had a label, it would make life easier as we would know what we were dealing with!

I would get on to the hospital and ask when your appt is going to come through.

Is there anyone at uni you could talk to, sometimes the student's union have counsellors and people who may be able to help?

Anyway, I'm sure someone with similar experiences will reply to your post, so I'll just send my best wishes!

13-10-08, 23:06
:welcome: to nmp...this site has helped me alot and im sure it will do for you..the people here are so understanding..have helped me alot on my road to recovery...message me hun if u need a chat...xxx:bighug1:

13-10-08, 23:14
Thanks guys :) I've just looked on the university website and it turns out they have a free counseling service. I'm going to send them an email tomorrow. I've never had counselling before so don't really know what to expect.

13-10-08, 23:31
It's worth a go, and they may be able to signpost you to somewhere else too... good luck xxx

14-10-08, 00:02
Hi i've literally joined the site a few minutes ago myself, i'm also quite prone to rambling and not getting my point accross when i try to express myself. What i'm going to do when i go see my GP is write down a list of bullet points and take it with me so i wont forget what i want to say.

Hope thats helpfull :blush:


14-10-08, 00:12
Welcome to both of you! YOu will find lots of support and encouragment here!

14-10-08, 01:25
Hey there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

14-10-08, 08:53
Hi i've literally joined the site a few minutes ago myself, i'm also quite prone to rambling and not getting my point accross when i try to express myself. What i'm going to do when i go see my GP is write down a list of bullet points and take it with me so i wont forget what i want to say.

Hope thats helpfull :blush:


That's exactly what I did...I also took my mum along with me for support(worst mistake EVER). But at the last minute I started to panic about taking my notes in and that the doctor would think I was an idiot for writing it down as if I couldn't remember what was wrong with me so I bottled it and left them in the car.

milly jones
14-10-08, 13:06
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :)

14-10-08, 16:08
Hi there, I just joined today too. I went to my GP last week and he just gave me some websites and told me to come bk on 2 weeks. I am not sure if the sites are any good, but I have started reading and participating in one of them. Its called moodgym.com Iam hoping they will at least give me sime reassurance, and if nothing else at least I can say to my Gp I have tried. You should try too.


14-10-08, 16:12
Sorry thats wrong below is the correct site xx


14-10-08, 21:37
hi everyone i've been having panic attacks for about 6 mouths now not that long considering i have red that ppl have had them for ever!!

my first attack was in my van on the way to the girlfriends i was stuck halfway there and my parants had to come and get me, lose of focus and could'nt breath propley..

I went on hoilday and thay got worse i was scared of having a heart attack ofter have chest pains, then thinking all new thoughts going though me. when got home again driving and work was really bad but i got on with it now driving ant a problem anymore..

i suffer with majer head pains its like a pressure going accoss the top of my head and down the sides just wonted to now if anyone else have this pains too, dont need a reason if not known just to find out that im not the only one really..


19-10-08, 00:04
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

19-10-08, 07:05

:welcome: to NMP.

Mandy xx