View Full Version : their taking over my life

03-06-05, 19:05
Every nite im scared to sleep but once i'm sleep i dont like to wake up because the minute i wake up im back in my circle of panic.
From the moment i woke up i had panic attacks i got to work and they kicked in i didn't think i would make it throgh the day. I just wanna run away but i cann't cos me feet turn to lead.
All my mates at work r gonna start running as a hobby i would love to but any time i do sport i go lite headed and dizzy but i dont know why this happens?
I was getting less panic attacks each day at the begining of the week but their much worse today and i guess im in for a long run of bad days again
I just dont know anymore!

03-06-05, 20:09
Hi South, I guess the main thing to this, is try and realize that your panic attacks, will not do you any damage. Once you learn to accept them, hopefully you will be able to deal with them a bit better. Dont push yourself to hard, try and take small steps. Maybe try listening to a relaxation CD at night, before you go to sleep, or if you wake up during the night. I find guided meditation very good.

Take care and try and do your breathing exercises.

Good luck

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

03-06-05, 20:43
hi South,

I am the same at night. I'm often scared to get into bed because it's when I tend to panic most.

About the exercise..I used to be the same as you. It would make me feel unwell and dizzy. I have found that the best way is to start very slowly. Don't push yourself too hard. Work up from there..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-06-05, 21:07
Hi South,

Dont automatically think you're in for a few days of panic....it is true yes for some of us, but it is not a foregone conclusion.

As for the exerxise i NEVER exercise so i will let someone else answer.

I hope you feel better soon.

03-06-05, 21:16
Hi south

I hate the mornings too (I'm assuming this is what you mean by when you wake up).

I would have to agree with Emma that some form of relaxation could be a big help. I tend to do this on a night (when I motivate myself enough) and I feel much more relaxed in the mornings. Having said that, it isn't a miracle cure, and it won't take the panic away overnight. I do believe it to be a huge help in lowering your general level of anxiety.

And this is what it's all about really. That morning anxiety will continue as your general levels of anxiety remain high. There is really very little you can do about it on a morning other than confront it. It will take a little time to get to a stage where you feel more comfortable on a morning. But relaxation should be a great help with this, you just need a little patience.

As for running. I think that sounds like a great idea. Exercise is good in itself for anxiety, burning up any excess adrenalin. It gets you out of the house, gets you socialising, I couldn't really think of anything better.

I do understand your concerns though. Firstly, you have to understand that the anxiety is harmless. It may bring these sy,ptoms on, and they may even increase to an extent with physical exercise, but they won't harm you.

As Sarah says, just take one step at a time. I think, with the position you're in, maybe it would be good for you just to try some exercise at home first, taking it in stages until you feel confident enough to go out running. If you begin to feel faint, then just remind yourself that it is only anxiety. It's the same with most other things regarding anxiety, it's the avoidance that feeds the fear. So, take an approach where you can push through that feeling of dizziness a little when you're exercising. Don't stop as soon as you feel it.

I'm not suggesting that you go out and do a ten mile run now. That's not necesarry at all. But you need to confront it to some extent. You can take this at your own pace, and you only need to take small steps, but don't avopid as soon as you get that feeling of dizziness, just go an extra couple of minutes. Next day, go a couple of minutes further. Gradually you'll become more comfortable with it until you feel confident enough to keep going regardless. You'll probably find when that happens that much of the dizzyness just disipates by itself.


03-06-05, 21:27
Dear South,
There have been times in the past when I too have dreaded getting out of bed - so you are not on your own. What you need to understand is that a mere negative thought can set you up for a whole day of panic. Try your best to change your perspective and to see each day as a new day. As a panic attack sufferer, memory is our biggest problem - the first sign of anxiety and we automatically presume we are in for it again. Just remember, memories are exactly that - memories, they only exist in the past. Look forward, not back. As for feeling dizzy when exercising, that is completely normal in the anxiety sufferer, try breathing exercises as I'm pretty sure this is where your problem lies. (HYPERVENTILATION) Also, when we exercise, we often mistake normal body functions such as heart beating faster, for anxiety symptoms, which than in turn makes us panic. Start slowly and build up to harder exercise. All the best, Amanda.

a hill

03-06-05, 23:03
South ,

As well as all the above information

Are you eating and drinking correctly ?

A bad morning does not mean a bad day ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-06-05, 01:13
Hi South

Your story sounds so familiar.

I was exactly the same.

I spent my time on the sofa. I would only sleep if the light and the tv were on.

It does get better, but it takes time and a lot of practice.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

04-06-05, 13:06
Hi Meg
Nope i dont eat much in my day cos i dont liking eating, but then the next day i think im gonna die or pass out cos i havent eatten. I drink only water and lots of it.
Take care South

04-06-05, 14:43
So that may be contributing.

This disorder is hard enough to try to overcome without making yourself worse.

Please try to start to eat correctly so you're helping yourself as much as possible.

Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-06-05, 15:12
Hi Meg
I can only ever eat small amounts of food and i feel full up and im such a slow eater which takes me ages to eat and i feel embarsed eatting front of people so thats another reason for me not eating.
With my panic attacks i find it really hard to sit down for periods of time and eat i just wanna get up and walk away because i always have loads of panic attacks whilst eating.
Take Care South

04-06-05, 16:32
South - you should try eating small things more often throughout the day. Also maybe try to eat things that contain a lot of energy like nuts..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

04-06-05, 21:52
Hi South

You could try eating little and often, so have something light every couple of hours.

Can you eat alone if eating with people makes you feel worse?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

04-06-05, 21:58
even when im on me on i find it hard to eat i just dont wanna put weight on. it sound really silly

04-06-05, 23:48
Oh man this is really starting to sound familiar ...

Are you sure you're not turning in to me? [:P]

Have you tried "complan" or other similar none solid food alternative?
That way you are getting all the vitamins and things you need, but you don't feel like you are eating. Because you are having a warm or cold drink. [8D]

Not eating will make your panic attacks feel more draining and contribute heavily to the weird and dizzy feelings you have.

You won't lose weight by not eating. Infact when you do eat, you will put weight on rather than lose it.

I know it is really difficult to cope at the moment.
But it will get better, especially if you try to look after yourself.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

05-06-05, 06:53
Hi South

Have you spoken to anyone about this? I do know how difficult it can be to eat once you start using food and not eating as a way of coping. However, this will only make you feel worse in the long run.

I would urge you to seek some help with this before it becomes a set pattern which will only make you more ill.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-06-05, 15:23
Hi South
All the advise you had had from everyone is GOOD advise. I agree totally with the post about thinking beacause you had a bad morning yesterday doesn't mean you will have one to-day. Do your breathing listen to a relaxation tape is you have one and say to yourself (out loud if you want) This is the first day of the rest of my life and from now on it is going to be good . OK the first time it takes some believing but in time you will begin to think I am worth better than this. Give it a try. Remember they are just thoughts. Thats what I tell myself every day.
I read in a book about people with anxiety. We mostly have a vivid imagination and constantly try to cross bridges before we come to them. THE THINGS WE TELL OURSELVES ARE NOT NECCESSARELY THE TRUTH. I try to remember that every time I start to feel anxious. I go to a ladies gym, and yes there are days when it is an effort to go, but when I get there I am glad I made that effort. You are not pushed to do more than you want to do, and every so often their is a dietician comes in to give us a talk. It is all very relaxed. Perhaps there is something like that near you?

I hope this has helped. Best Wishes.

Jen xx

J. Farmer

05-06-05, 15:28
Hi South,
Sorry you are feeling bad right now, as for eating, i know how you feel and how hard it is to eat anything, let alone healthily! If possible, a little soup with bread, scrambled eggs, omelette, i hate sitting and eating a meal at present, so i make a little something, either read whilst eating, sit at the computor, i even take a bite and walk about, not good i know, but i also know how awful i feel when i eat nothing, keep in touch mate, and take care.

05-06-05, 16:01
[^]i av ad the same when my feet were like lead but try ur best to ignore it and before long it will start to get better..
let me know how u get on


05-06-05, 18:21
Today i went to me weekend job i felt very faint. Then for half an hour, which felt like ten hours i goodnt breath properly i was fighting for breath i havent expercienced this b4 ,in a yrs of suffering i seem to be gaining more and more problems i tried to breath correctly but couldnt get me head around it!
It was very scary!
Last nite i woke up 4 times in big panick attacks but kept putting meself back to sleep then when i woke up i continued to have panick attacks then i couldnt breath later on in the morning.
But the afternoon wasnt to bad but went very quickly.
Take care South

05-06-05, 18:34
hi South,

Sorry to hear about your bad experiences today. Though it felt like you were fighting for breath, you probably weren't. It is just your mind playing tricks on you. When we panic, we take in more oxygen so the fighting for breath feeling is just the anxiety getting the better of you..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-06-05, 22:41
You did well South

You managed to get through and calmed yourself..me thinks you're making progress..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

06-06-05, 23:57
Hi Sorry just caught up with your post. Sorry to hear you have being feeling so bad, but am pleased to read that this afternoon you did feel a bit better.

How are you feeling now?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-06-05, 13:47
I think everyone here can relate to what you're saying. Mornings are THE WORST for me.
Just remember that there is help out there. I found this board to be a great source of help from people who know exactly what you're going through.
Take care of yourself.

08-06-05, 00:01
How are you hun, we are all here to help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-06-05, 18:29
Hi I know how you feel, I have to battle with my food a fair bit as well. I posted a topic about it and the advice I was given was to read or watch tv when I was eating. I don't like eating out at restaraunts as I panic. Don't worry about putting weight on, why don't you try walking in the evenings since it's now summer and then you won't feel so bad when you eat or try eating small amounts. Hope it works out ok for you, good luck and keep trying don't give up[8D]

08-06-05, 18:31
Hi Sal
Im still pretty down with it i've been on this downer for months now. I had a **** day at work ended up arguing with me depty manager (not good). I woke up this morning feeling so sick cos i havent eaten properly in a month but as soon as i go to eat i have no appetite and just cannt bring meself to eat it.
I keep getting stars in me eyes i dont no why, then it causes me to have panic attacks.
Take Care South

08-06-05, 19:00
What about drinking instead? You could get some nutritious drinks and try them and they will be filling like a meal and easier to swallow.

Stars in the eyes is a common anxiety symptom.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

08-06-05, 20:25
Hi South,
good to speak to you again, now about food, if you are going to be in charge of all those little 'people' who depend on you, and their parents do, of course, because without you they wouldn't be able to work, you must build your energy levels up a little, as suggested try drinking those liquid drinks? i have started eating a little more often lately and have definately noticed a difference. is there anything you enjoy eating? or is that a silly question, i don't mean to cause offence, but i know how awful it is to not have an appetite, and how you feel when you don't eat!!!it is a viscious circle, keep trying little and often eh? keep in touch. speak soon xxxxx

Sue K with 5
09-06-05, 00:40
Hi South

Nothing you say sounds stupid, what your going through is really hard and you are having a bad time. I cannot give you an more advise that is differant to what everyone else has said, but never feel you cannot say what your feeling. I spent years bottling up my inner most fears and it nearly ruined me

You are a very brave person and you have some good friends here

Take care and a big hug

Sue with five children
