View Full Version : Credit card fraud

14-10-08, 08:06
Hi All

Has anyone been a victim of credit card fraud?? Well I was yesterday and it has sent my anx levels right up. Someone falsely set up an account with skype in my name and started making international calls. It was charged to my credit card through PayPal. It has got me really freaked out.

The bank was excellent and stopped the card. They said I will get the money back, but they are investigating it. I'm not useually one to suffer badly from paranoia, but this has got me really anx.

I was also treatened with being killed last week at work and I have since found out the person concerned, a patient, is a drug addict. What a few days I've had. No wonder I'm anx. Worse thing is about it I can't really do much about the threat as a colleague breached confidentiality to warn me what I was dealing with. I can't pursue anything with police etc without getting her into serious trouble. But I am quite scared about the situation.


14-10-08, 09:19
A patient threatened to kill you ? :ohmy: What do you work as ?

14-10-08, 09:53
Aww poor you Andrea:hugs:

Hope you manage to get things sorted it must be such a worry.

Ive never been scammed with credit cards but im amazed how many emails i get from banks (mainly Abbey National and the Halifax) asking me to update my details:ohmy: . I dont have a Abbey account but can imagine how easy it is for anyone that does have a account to click on the link and put in their card details:ohmy: . We have to be so carefull these days dont we.


14-10-08, 10:09
Hi there

where do you work? Im a support worker and if a threat was made even if I I wasnt on shift it would have been recorded on notes made by colleagues. If this isnt hapening there is something seriously remiss about working practices. The workers safety is just as important as the clients and its crucial things like this are recorded. Also, it happens quite often where i work.

Pooh x

14-10-08, 10:39
Awwwww Andy sending you big hugs,my ex bf was a victim of credit card fraud twice and was totally cleaned out but he did get the money back,it was just the hassle of it all.As for the patient surely you need let your boss know that this has been said for your own safety whether a colleague has told you or not.Surely you come first hun?It needs to be looked into.
Ali xxx

Cathy V
14-10-08, 11:51
Hi andrea, i agree with pooh, theres something badly wrong if the patients confidentiality rights are put before your safety. That needs looking into.

As for the card fraud. My daughter who's a uni student had 200 pounds taken from her account last year (all she had at the time) and it was taken from one of her banks cash machines. The thieves had used one of those small gadgets that photographs the cards or something. After a bit of arguing about it, the bank credited her account with the money a few weeks later so she did get it back but it was a bit of a trauma at the time. Not to mention the fact that id sent her some money too so she ended up with more than shed started with!

But on the work problem id really try and talk to someone about it.

Take care xxx

14-10-08, 16:28
Hi Guys

Thanks for your replies. I work in a coffee shop in a NHS hospital. The incident was recorded at the time but I didnt know the full details. I had very strong suspicions she was a drug user as there were marks on the back of her hands but I had no knowledge of this then. My colleagues who witnessed the aftermath of her threats all came out in sympathy for her as she told them her 4mth old baby had just died.

It turns out the baby died a year ago, and it was premature, prob as a result of her drug abuse. She has got other children but they were taken away by social services.

I don't think that working practices are bad, it is just an awkward situation and I was advised by a friend and colleague not to repeat what another colleague told me in confidence about the patient as it could get her into serious trouble.

I am just being over cautious, but when you already suffer from anx things like this just don't help matters.

milly jones
14-10-08, 16:34
just hugs andrea xxx

14-10-08, 18:15
I've had the credit fraud thing happen to me twice over the past few years (and get lots of emails like Andy mentioned) but thankfully my bank dealt with it promptly and I got it all back but not a lot of fun at the time.

I don't what to say about the other matter but I think if you do feel it's genuine and not just dramatics on the part of the woman (although that is unacceptable too) then you have to report it regardless of how you came about the information.

Noone would like this hun and its very natural to feel concerned - is there anyone neutral you can discuss this with at work to try and get a clearer picture of the actual level of risk????

Piglet :flowers:

14-10-08, 21:27
Hi There
Ive had money taken from our account about 4 times now twic last year from some cinema company only for small amounts and when we phoned up the fraud place we were told they do that then go take larger amounts card was stopped and money refunded. Then a few days before going on holiday another 2 lots were taken out £300 in two amounts was furious had to borrow money to go on hol also got this refunded too now we dont have a debit card just a cashpoint so hopefully wont happen again. Just decided to get a pre paid debit card cos really miss shopping on net etc works like pre pay phone. My friend has had one for a few years and says its great.Its most annoying when this sort of thing happens.
Also hope youve sorted the other thing out life threatning threats arnt nice, has she been in before ?
Hope all is well
Take care
Anne xx

15-10-08, 03:11
Hi All

I was also treatened with being killed last week at work and I have since found out the person concerned, a patient, is a drug addict. What a few days I've had. No wonder I'm anx. Worse thing is about it I can't really do much about the threat as a colleague breached confidentiality to warn me what I was dealing with. I can't pursue anything with police etc without getting her into serious trouble. But I am quite scared about the situation.


I thought that even health professionals *could* breach 'patient confidentiality' in cases were those sort of threats were made. It was actually a health professional who told me that. Anyone know for sure?