View Full Version : Hello

14-10-08, 14:35
Hello everyone,

Just a quick introduction - my name is Matt, I'm 35 and from Kent. I have been suffering from generalised anxiety and depression for about 7 years now, but until mid 2007 it was controllable.

Then I started getting panic attacks which affected my day to day functioning. Was off work for a few months in 2007 and was prescribed Propranolol 80mg and had around 20 CBT sessions.

Got back to work and everything was okay, just had the normal background GAD but started with the attacks again a couple of weeks ago. Off work again now and still on the Propranolol 80mg but have also now been prescribed Effexor XL (Venlafaxine) 75mg to combat the high anxiety (or try to anyway). I also have 8 more CBT sessions on the cards I think.

Well nice to find these boards as there's a lot of relevant info here on Propranolol and Venlafaxine!

Matt :unsure:

14-10-08, 15:10
Hi Matt

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


14-10-08, 15:21

Welcome to the site


Veronica H
14-10-08, 16:28
Hi Mat:welcome: Glad you have found us.

14-10-08, 21:58
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
15-10-08, 12:45
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :smile:

19-10-08, 00:00
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

19-10-08, 07:07
Hi Matt

:welcome: to NMP.

Mandy xx

19-10-08, 09:03
Hi there
Just joined too & will probably chat in the venlafaxine room, I'm on 225mg long term. Similar long term anxiety problems.