View Full Version : Just joined...any advice?

14-10-08, 18:12

Im Lucy and im 20!

I have never suffered anxiety before in my life up until now! My nan had a stroke 7 weeks ago while I was with her and it was very traumatic for me and all my family. However, since then I have been constantly feeling sick! It isnt a feeling in my stomach....it is in my throat...as if its shutting off and I have to gag! Not sure whether its just the anxiety or whether its emetophobia! I am terrified of being sick whilst out in public, and thats when the feeling sick becomes worse! I feel better when I am in the comfort of my own house at home!
Psychiatric nurse has referred me to start CBT soon!

Hope that makes sense...would love to hear off anyone who feels the same or has had anything similar!

Thanks for your time

Lucy x

milly jones
14-10-08, 18:16
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :)

14-10-08, 18:23
Hi Lucy

I'm emmetephobic and what you describe sound very familiar to me. I'm a bit better a dealing with it now, but I still get days when it takes over. Rescue remedy is good for me from holland and barrats but not everyone likes the taste. If the sickly feelings get worse in public and that is one of your fears, being sick in public, then I would guess this is anxiety. The main thing I can advise is not to start avoiding situations where you think the feelings will come on, or where you have had them before. Avoidance makes things far worse.

Well done on being refered for CBT though.

14-10-08, 18:48
Hi from another emetophobic!
Anxiety throws up so many symptoms, generally what we were the most. So if you're scared of fainting, you'll feel faint, you fear throwing up - you'll probably feel sick.
Sorry to read you saw your nan have a stroke, at the age of 11, i found my gran dead while she was babysitting me - it's life changing.
Hopefully with the help here and CBT you can start changing your life, for the better!


14-10-08, 18:48
Thank you for the reassurance!

I am relatively new to all these feelings...and i am at the stage where i feel completely out of control! I have tried not to avoid everything and i have attended university everyday....(my mom has madeeee me go) even though i was hysterical beforehand!

After searchin on the net...hypnotherapy comes out alot?
has anyone tried this? i dont know whether its a complete con or not?

thanks for welcoming me guys
lucy x

14-10-08, 21:59
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

16-10-08, 02:09
Thank you for the reassurance!

I am relatively new to all these feelings...and i am at the stage where i feel completely out of control! I have tried not to avoid everything and i have attended university everyday....(my mom has madeeee me go) even though i was hysterical beforehand!

After searchin on the net...hypnotherapy comes out alot?
has anyone tried this? i dont know whether its a complete con or not?

thanks for welcoming me guys
lucy x
Hey Lucy,
I don't know about hypnotherapy. My physcologist told me that it's not reccomended for people who have suffered "Trauma" have Depression/Anxiety Panic Disorder that's been triggered by "Trauma" at one stage in their life.

You may want to check with your Dr on this one, find out alot more first.
Take care
Mistie :)

18-10-08, 23:54
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx