View Full Version : Hello..

14-10-08, 19:04
Hi everyone, im Simone and im 23. I live alone with my 1 yr old son.

I wont go into too much detail or ill be here all night lol but basically i suffered severe depression/self injury when i was 16-19yrs old and from 17yrs i was on Anti Dressants (Dothiepin) and Anxiety meds (Prochlorperezine), as i also suffered from panick attacks. I took myself off all meds when i was 19.

I also suffer from and Eating Disorder, this became at its worst last year after my son was born. As well as dealing with my ED i was struggling with PND. I felt hopeless and like i was failing my son as a mother. I am a single parent as my partner left me when i was pregnant. I started to overcome the PND when my little boy was around 6 months and although i still had my ED i was starting to feel a little better about life. I went into Self recovery with the ED around May this year and was doing well until the last few weeks. I have slipped back into my old ways and have been feeling very down and depressed. I was offered Anti-D's and Sleeping tabs a few months ago and i refused thinking i could 'snap' out of it. Unfortunatey that hasnt been the case and after my landlord has recently served me notice as he will not be renewing my tenancy when its up ( he wants to sell the house) i have to be out 2 weeks before xmas. This has kind of been the push i needed for me to go see a doctor, as i dont want things to start getting so bad my son starts to suffer.

I have seen the Doc today and he has put me on Citalopram and refered me to see a counselor. He said there maybe some side effects with the meds in the first week or so, im hoping they wont be too bad!

Anyway, sorry for long post. Look forward to chatting and getting more info! :blush:


14-10-08, 19:12
Hiya Simone and welcome :)

14-10-08, 19:13

Welcome to NMP

I'm sure you will get lots of support here and make some lovely new friends too.

xx :flowers:

14-10-08, 19:17
Thankyou :D xx

milly jones
14-10-08, 19:21
welcome to the no more panic site

from milly xxxx :smile:

14-10-08, 19:33

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

14-10-08, 20:34

welcome to nmp


14-10-08, 21:59
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

15-10-08, 09:01
Thanks for the welcome everyone! :blush: :D xx

juicy lucy
15-10-08, 12:17
hiya and welcome let us know how you get on with the citrlamopram..

15-10-08, 21:23
Hi Simone,
Welcome and hope that this site makes you feel as though you are not on your own - that's what it has done for me and I find that helps along with all the other support. My kids are a lot older than yours (22! and 18!) but hope it all works out for you. Take care :)

18-10-08, 23:58
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx