View Full Version : When the thing you fear most actually happens.

14-10-08, 19:47
My anxiety was triggered again over a scare on my husbands health which actually turned out to be ok, but I could not shake the anxiety and constantly worried that they had got the negative results wrong etc, every day I panicked about it without saying anything to my husband not wanting to worry him, I dreaded having to go through the 'bad test / waiting for results' thing again, it took over my life.

Then it happened.....what I had dreaded actually came true and the doctors decided that the test should be re-done as my husband was not getting better, this time instead of an x-ray they did a CT scan and we had to wait for 3 days for the results, a scenario I imagined would have killed me with panic and anxiety, but you know strangely it didnt and although naturally I was anxious it wasn't any worse then my everyday anxiety and I managed really well.

Really I guess all I want to say is that sometimes the fear is so bad that the actual event actually turns out to be not half as bad as we imagine.

Thankfully the CT. scan was fine but I really think that we can cope with anything much better then we imagine we will.

Rachel W
15-10-08, 02:52
Well, the thing you feared the most did not happen after all and that is wonderful news. Hope that you can relax a little now.

God Bless.


15-10-08, 02:55
That is great news! Both for your husband and you.