View Full Version : Hi im new tonight and......

14-10-08, 22:28
I am obsessed at the moment about my life line on my left hand.When i've looked at other peoples,theirs goes right down their hand but mine stops half way down so ive convinced myself that im gonna die.
I have diabetes which is insulin controlled,an underactive thyroid and have over the past year been having chest pains.Over the last few days the chest pains seem to be different and i keep getting a flutter and then a pain in my chest.
I think i suffer because i have had loads of things wrong with me even pre clamsia and a rare liver disorder when i was pregnant.
People laugh at me and ive even seen an anixety councellor.I work on a reception desk in our hospital and dont want to go to be checked over.Ive made an appointment with our doctors for thursday and by then i'll have worked myself into such a state.
Is anyone else like me and do you believe all the things said about your life line on your hand?:unsure:

14-10-08, 22:50

What is it about folk who work in hospitals!!!!!!!!!!!:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

Thats were I work too, I work in a big psychiatric hospital.:shrug:

Welcome to the site, :welcome:

don't worry about your lines on your hands my husband has next to no life lines on his hands and he is nearly 50

take care


14-10-08, 22:55
lol thanks !!!
