View Full Version : Have I done the right thing????

14-10-08, 22:50

Ok will keep this brief......I was adopted and when I was 30 I found out I had a brother that was adopted to another family (15 months between us)

We tried to make a go of it but it never happened

Tonight I had this feeling that there was something wrong, Ive lost his phone number but rang his local pub and asked them to give him a message.....he left 10 mins ago but they will pass message on for him to ring me......its been 8 yrs since we spoke

Have I done the right thing???

Kaz x x x:hugs:

14-10-08, 23:10
Hey kazzie,
Yes! i think you have done the right thing! You were acting on a hunch and needed reassurance. You never know, it might open up new doors for you both. Maybe the first time round was too soon for you both after discovering each other. If your brother gets the message and gets back in touch with you just explain that you had a feeling something was wrong and you needed to know he was ok. He might appreciate your concern. If not, then you carry on regardless.
Hope things work out for the best either way! xx

14-10-08, 23:18
I think you have. I found out when I was 35 that I have a half brother and sister in another state. I contacted the man who is supposed to be my dad, but he denied knowing my mom. So I contacted my brother. We have written back and forth and send emails, but I would really like to meet him and have a dna test or something so I would know if we really are related. You sound like you know for sure that this guy is your brother. Contact him, it couldn't hurt.

14-10-08, 23:32
Thanks both:hugs:

No dispute he is my brother lol....we both know that:yesyes:

Im glad Ive made contact.....will have to wait and see if he contacts me now I guess:D

Kaz x x x:hugs:

15-10-08, 01:24
If you felt the need to call him then you did the right thing!
Imagine how you would have felt if you hadn't and then something did happen - GOD FORBID!!!

I believe in women's intuition so there must be a reason you felt so compelled after all this time to contact him.

15-10-08, 03:46
Acting on your instincts can never be a bad thing, whatever the outcome. Hope it works out ok for you both.

15-10-08, 07:08
hiya kazz

yeah i think you did the right thing hun ,i mean it can not do any harm can it and if you did not call my guess is you would of just sat thinking about it and drove yourself mad .

jodie xxx

15-10-08, 07:49
Hiya M8...

I think you did the right thing .....if your instinct felt like getting in touch then u did right thing ...if you hadnt you would have stressed about your feelings xxx

Hope he gets in touch soon m8y xxxxxxxx

Granny Primark
15-10-08, 11:25
I think you did the right thing kazzie.
Things happen for a reason.
Perhaps your intuition and you leaving a message at the pub for him will bring you close together.
Hope things work out for you.:hugs:

15-10-08, 14:32
hi kazzie, yes i def think u did the right right thing, always follow your instinct i say. hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

milly jones
15-10-08, 15:37
i think the same as everyone else

ur gut feeling is something to be listened to not ignored

hope that he gets in touch and u can share a future

mill xxxxxxxxxxx

15-10-08, 16:05
Hi Kaz

My situation is exactly the same as yours except my brother is ten years older than me. Im 36 and we met when I was 18 and he 28. We had a falling out about 3 or so years ago. We did bump into each other 18 months ago and the conversation was strained, anyway, I text him one evening last week, just had a feeling...

I hope he calls you, i will keep a look out on this thread to see.

Love lilibet x

15-10-08, 21:24
Thanks everyone:hugs:

Well no news yet but dont spose He has been back at the pub tonight:shrug:

Will let you know if I hear from him:)

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

15-10-08, 22:22

Love Piglet :flowers:

18-01-09, 20:02
No word:weep:

Kazx x x x:hugs:

18-01-09, 20:32
Dearest Kaz

I know exactly where you are. It hurts doesnt it? I still try to keep in touch with my brother (same situation as you) but he never gets back to me. I text him last week to ask him if he fancies lunch but have heard nothing. I never know if its better to just block him out or get in touch occasionally?

Love Tracy