View Full Version : Am I in a cycle..?

15-10-08, 00:05
Hiya there, any input would be great thanks ;)

I suffered with panic attacks for about a year, then I found the linden method and all was well for a few months. No more panics, much more in control of my life, but some of the symptoms seemed to hang around, but in isolation, not with the usual 5/6 other symptoms...?

Anyway months down the line, I suffer from costocondritis with sharp pains in the heart region occationally (costo or not, I dont know...?) which lead to me feeling unwell for a while (shakey, weak) and also at the moment I have a persistent stabbing head pain on the top of my head and sometimes down the side of my head, which at times makes me really feel unwell for a while... Its been around now for about a month ;(

I wonder… if I have not had a panic attack since march this year, is it possible for these symptoms be associated with panic attacks...?

Am I just going around and around in this cycle because I’m not over the panic disorder..?

I can be having a wonderful day, feeling positive and all’s well with the world then my heart feels like I’ve been stabbed, or my head feels like someone hit it with a hammer, and I’m back to where I absolutely don’t want to be ;(



16-10-08, 19:15
Hi, I have not had a panic attack for some time now (probably a year or so as I can now control them) but I still get some symptoms - pains in chest and other places, dizzy lightheaded feeling. I have made a couple of posts today, and I have said that I am happy but that is not quite true. I should be happy as I don't have any real worries and although I don't have the panic at the moment I am constantly sad and worrying about the pains that I am getting. I find that if I am having a good day (how most day's start) I think great no pains and then I will get one and there goes my great day.

I am sure everything is ok and in time we will gradually forget and the pains will disappear.

Good Luck and take care, Jules