View Full Version : slurred words

04-06-05, 11:05
This is a new one for me that has me worried, and trying to avoid looking for sinister causes (just when I thought I was doing so well!). Has anyone else experienced occasional slurring of words? I know everyone does it occasionally - jumbles up words or sounds, such as washer and water - but I've noticed it more recently. I'm not on any meds, and I'm not much of a drinker, and it seems to happen out of the blue. Help?

04-06-05, 12:52
I tend to slur or muddle my words when I'm over tired or when I have had a bad day panicing.

I don't think it's anything to worry about though. I just say I'm having a moment and everyone understands.

If you are overly worried though I would consult your G.P

Hope this helps you.

with good wishes


04-06-05, 16:28
I get this as well. I also tend to mix my words together so instead of saying 'thunder and lightening', I'll say 'Lunder and thinghtening' LOL :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

04-06-05, 17:15
Hi there,
i agree with the others, and i also think this happens in general as well, not just with anxiety sufferers! take care.

05-06-05, 01:34
I suffer the same problem.

I often get my mords in a wuddle, especially when I'm having a panicky days.

Because you are panicky, you notice it more.

The only time a suffer with really bad word slurring, is when I am suffering from migraine headaches and my face goes numb.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

05-06-05, 09:34
Hi there

Yep, I get this too, especially when I am having a particularly anxious day.

05-06-05, 11:06
Hi Yes, I have this problem too and loose my words then my husband and kids finish my sentances and that makes me worse!!
Love Alexis,x

05-06-05, 11:29
Well, that's good to know. Like you say, I guess I just notice it more when I'm already anxious. I try to ask myself, "are my symptoms worse, or am I just worrying about it more?" Anyway, it's helpful to know this is nothing ominous.