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02-12-03, 10:30
I have had a wee look at the internet regarding migraines and got some self help tips etc

Migraines with Aura

Sufferers of migraines with aura can get flashing lights, blind spots or visual disturbances. hypersensitivity to noise and light , vagueness, lightheadedness or confusion may occur, as may a numbness and tingling in the arms and side of the face.

Migraines and food

Possible triggers sre
dairy foods
citrus foods
alcohol (commonly port and red wine)
coffee & tea

Self help
Avoid excessive fatigue
watch your posture - avoid craning your neck and think 'tall'
restrict physical exertion on hot days
bear in mind 'moderation in all things'
keep a diary of headaches and record date, day of week and time of day, record possible precipitating and relieving factors
Limit your consumption of tea, coffee and analgesics
Keep your muscles as relaxed as possible when not physically active, avoid frowning or jaw clenching
eat regularly and do not miss meals
do not sleep longer than your normal 'waking hour'
try to avoid peaks and troughs of stress at work and at home!!!!!

There isloads of info on the internet but I thought above was quite useful


02-12-03, 15:09
well said lucky,

information shared like this,is invaluable,and when in the future people use the search facility,they will be able to read lots about migraine.

best wishes..bryan.

02-12-03, 19:52
Thanks Lucky,

Great information..for a fellow migraine sufferer like myself.
