View Full Version : do stretch marks go

15-10-08, 10:54
hi i have stretch marks evry were i am overweight but do they ever go

15-10-08, 10:55
im panicking about them that i am a frak and im 13 i dont want them all my life

15-10-08, 11:10
13? Would you please make up your mind what age you are as this is deceiving other members.


NMP Admin

15-10-08, 11:13
evry one knows im 13

15-10-08, 11:14
i even told titch i was 13 in the chat room

15-10-08, 11:20
Hi bukendaa - it's quite common to develop stretch marks as a teenager as your weight can go up and down a lot as your hormones kick in. As you are young, you may find that they fade a bit as you get older, but in most cases they never completely go, I'm afraid. Heaps of people have them, though, and they are nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. I've had stretch marks on my hips since I was a teenager. They certainly won't hurt you. Sometimes moisturizing, with cocoa butter for example, can make them less obvious.

15-10-08, 11:30
Bukendaa u told me u was 23...then 13 you kept changing your mind

15-10-08, 11:33
i dont want them were evry one can see them

15-10-08, 11:36
try loose some weight if you are overweight & try bio oil, this works wonders on scars, stretch marks etc... also, if you are only 13, this is probably to be accepted as you are growing & going through puberty etc... my boyfriend has them all over his back as his is now 6ft 5ins & got them when he was going through puberty. But he wasn't overweight & also they was nothing that we knew about then on how to treat them such as Bio Oil. They are things you can do to help yourself now at a young age.

15-10-08, 11:41
im 105 kgs

15-10-08, 11:49
If you're 16 and a half stone (=105 kg) at 13 then I really think you need to get some medical assistance to lose weight as soon as possible.

15-10-08, 11:58
yes I agree with Leebee, I would def go get some medical advice on how to loose some weight safely. The only person who can help you loose these marks or try not to make them as noticeable it you. Best of luck & let us know how you get on.

15-10-08, 12:06
Hi they fade but dont disappear fully, you are not alone alot of us suffer with them


15-10-08, 12:45
Hi, i have a lot of stretch marks around my hips and stomach through pregnancy, they'll never fully disappear. I wouldnt worry about them. They will fade

15-10-08, 15:00
they go silver but never go away. I have some from my pregnancy.

I think you do need to see a Dr about a weight loss plan as over 16 stone is dangerous medically... Sensible eating and gentle exercise will also help with anxiety.

15-10-08, 16:34
i also am overwieght and have strectch marks. like the others have said try to use cocoa butter or bio oil. alot of pregnant mothers use cocoa oil to reduce the stretch marks and swear that it works. i have also used bio oil on recent operation scars and it is doing wonders. :yesyes:

15-10-08, 18:25
I have lots of stretch marks too - especially round my thighs and hips. They never disappear completely and they do fade. Fake tan or a tinted moisturiser can help disguise them. The majority of women and loads of men have them, they are so common - try not to worry about them.

16-10-08, 01:07
i have them on my arms legs stomach and top of my bum i have heaps and i dont want them are u sure they dont fully go cause i dont want to be an outcats like what girl is going to want to know a stretch marks boy???

16-10-08, 01:13
As others have said, Bukendaa, it is quite common to have lots of stretch marks, for men as well as women. Any girl worth your time wouldn't let something like that worry her if she really liked you anyway.

16-10-08, 06:30
yer i guiss but i am still going to try my best to get rid of them

16-10-08, 06:55
Losing weight and moisturizing with something like cocoa butter might help. Or the bio oil that others have mentioned. They will probably fade a bit as you get older. Good luck :).

16-10-08, 12:04
my boyfriend has them all over his back from growing so tall, they don't bother me in the slighest. No one has a picture perfect body anyway (all the celebs are airbrushed) so when it comes to the opposite sex it doesn't matter if you have belmishes or whatever on your body as long as you really like them, that kind of stuff doesn't really mater.

16-10-08, 14:58
Hi there!
You weigth as much as i do, i started to gain weigth when i was pregnant and my belly has strech marks but im very proud of them, cause everytime i look at them i remeber the most precious thing i have - my son.
Try to get some sun, it cloacks them. Moisturisings and oils didnt work for me.

16-10-08, 21:00
In a word no they dont:lac:

But they will fade a bit in time

Kaz x x x