View Full Version : Jaw Pain / Ache

15-10-08, 11:49
Hi all,

Looking for some reassurance or some help in how to ease the symptons of jaw ache. I have an ache in my jaws which I have had a post about before, it comes and goes during the day still. It is quite off putting especially in work.

Sometimes it feels more like a tension and sometimes it is a pain. I have tried massaging the area just below my ears on my jaw to see if this helps but with no joy yet. I have taken painkillers also with no joy.

Does anyone else suffer from this and do they have any tips on how to ease it. I feel that the only way is to have a sleep which is not possible at work lol.


15-10-08, 14:09
Sounds like you are grinding your teeth when you are unaware of it. It can be very painful. Can you try and calling a dentist to find a mouth guard that will help you not do it? After awile you are going to get tension everywhere if you dont stop grinding. I used to do it to and couldnt figure out why everything from the shoulders up hurt. The dentist said that I was grinding my teeth so hard I was wearing them down. I have a guard and can sleep now and dont grind them anymore. See if that might help. I hope it works I know te pain you have. Take care.

15-10-08, 20:43
hi yes i had that pain for months went to my dentist he made whats called a rabit mouthguard has u look like a rabbit lol you put it on your two top teeth at night my jawache went after only one week

15-10-08, 21:02
I had this last week. I was grinding my teeth at night. My jaw and temples were feeling horrible...tired, achy feeling and sore. It went away on it's own but you can get a mouth guard.

18-10-08, 19:55
Try removing your tongue from the upper part of your mouth, (it usually is always touching the roof of the mouth)

sucking on a mint/sweet that doesnt need too much chewing will help also.